new job

Nov 08, 2006 12:43

So yesterday i had an interview at a place where my coach works, i wanted the job pretty bad cause i want to get out of the labour job i am already in, as well i cant work at the labour job for a while due to the broken neck issue. But i got the new job so i well be in front of a computer and getting $10 an hour instead of the $8 an hour i use to get making the airplane parts!

So go me!

Things are going really well for me now, i'm happy even though i have a major injury and cant play hockey and i'm extremly poor right now and have no food at all, well thats a lie...i have 2 packs of Mr. Noodles left. But that isnt to much food for 2 and a half weeks. I'll have to suck up to someone and see if they can feed me til i start getting paid again.

But the point of that little rant is that even though i have all that going on, i'm still pretty happy it could be cause i have some good people in my life.  Even though i'm fighting majorly with my roommates, and i never see Amy much at all anymore, i really miss her and our hanging out time or even just sitting in front of the tv and sucks.  I hate the feeling of us not really being good friends anymore and the fact it really means i'm loosing my best friend.  I know she is happy where she is, it just sucks lossing such a close friendship. But on the flip side of that i am becoming really close to someone else so i guess its all balancing out.

ok enough of that rant
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