(no subject)

Oct 12, 2006 22:51

I suck at updating lately so i figured now is the best time to do so! I have been working a lot which means i am gone all day til 5:30-6:00, but i enjoy my job. Except when my work is closed down due to toxic smoke. Bad times

Hockey started so that is awesome, it makes me a happy girl!

As well i have met someone...yes that is true i have fallen for someone. Anyhoo her name is Kelly and she is from halifax, normally i am the person to bitch and complain and diss long distance relationships. But with Kelly its different, i want it to work, i am will to make it work. She is totally worth it and makes me soooo happy. I am sure some people might think i am crazy since i havent really met her in person yet, but you know what this feeling is real and i know that when i see her next weekend ( i am going to halifax) its going to be amazing.  No one has made me feel like this in hell i dont know if anyone made me feel like this before!

Ok i well stop with that now!

But seriously i am so happy, its funny cause just as i give up on finding someone who will truely love me for me and make me happy, Kelly comes into my life! And it works out well because i had decided to move to halifax afterthe hockey season, and then i find Kelly who happens to be going to school out in halifax. Its so crazy how it works out like that. 
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