well i am going home to california for a brief while .... approx until september then i will be coming home to ...WASHINGTON and going to snohomish high school until further notice.... :) thats happy.
i can't wait to see my neices... i wonder if they changed.... i think i have a pic of them...
<------ chloe + jade ------->
WELL i've discovered potterpuffs and they are too cute... i kept asking around... hey where did u get your icon to anyone i could but.... ppl do not like to share wealth i suppose i ended up finding them on my own and I LOVE THEM they are so awesome...well anyway...
i think i'm going to because vegetarian... not hardcore vegan just yet... but hopefully in time....today i'm going to cherry's pastors house because his wife is going to teach us how to make almond milk and cheese out of cashews...... that's kick ASS and i'm excited about it. being adventist isn't all that bad... everyone is vegetarian and for potluck they bring all their freaky looking food and what great is that it takes SO GOOD... your like could i PLEASE get that recipe next sabbath! hahaha
well anyway i'm really excited to see home.... see everyone soon!
p.s.i think i don't care about making my journal friends only anymore... it's too tedious to make the entries friends only i always forget and i'm not worried about stalkers or anything :D
EDIT: we didn't go make almond milk :'( i really wanted to learn how.....
i'm sad