Jun 13, 2005 14:26

This is going to be, by Far, the longest entry ever.........

Friday night (as most of you know my sister got married this weekend) my sister and all the brides maids stayed the night at the Fairfield Marriot! That night we had the rehearsal dinner and then went straight to the hotel. We decided my sisters last night being single we should go out.........bad idea. WE bought Alcohol and decided it really didn't matter where we went because we were all drunk enough we could have fun anywhere! So we went to Grams NOBODY was there! It was great we sang "Like a virgin" in the Kareoke room! Me and my cousin Krystal (one of the brides maids) decide to go to the bathroom. When she comes out of the stall she's like here Taren take this beer. Little did she know there stood the girl behind her that worked the front counter (a girl we had already pissed off). The girl says NO NO NO NO Ma'am.(keep in mind I have not layed my hands on the beer) She says : "Just for that you may pour out your beer and leave. We run out of the bathroom real fast...........she finds Krystal first, makes her close her tab and tells her she is going to be taken to jail. She finds me next makes us walk out of Grams (escourted by a cop of course). Little did this lady know my sister new the cop and she let us go with a very strict warning. DAMN

We went BACK to the hotel and I got in the hot tub in my underwear(hehe).

So we finally get to bed about 3 and wake up about 8:30. Get ready for the wedding the limo comes to get us and we are a little early so we drive around town for a while in the limo with the sun roof open HA !! My first time in a limo it was AWESOME!So AFTER the wedding we are going to go straight to the reception. I ride with my Aunt who lives in Abilene I put my stuff in her car (My keys makeup and clothes). She is like I tell you before I leave so you can get your stuff ( Keep in mind this whole day I am wearing heels something I DO NOT DO). My sister tells me I must wear my dress to the reception which sucks. We get there eat, dance, everyone has a great time. My aunt leaves and my stuff is STILL in her car! damn no car keys! So My new sister-in-law Jackie is like Taren you can go with me and drive my car (because I'm sober). We are going to go to her friends friends house. I go b/c Elvis, the best man, is suppose to be there not to mention some of my new family I should get know! Well Taren has about 10 jello shots (still wearing dress and shoes) and about 5 beers or so! I'm drunk but I manage to to keep my sanity. my cell phone is completely dead by now and it's getting time for everyone to leave the host is past out on his own couch and there are Drag Queens in the living room. Yes their names are Tierra and Cadence lol (fake names of course). So Jackie (my new sister-in-law) is past out in her car and I'm like shit I don't want to stay at this gay guys house. So me and Elvis put his drunk sister (which is a WHOLE other story) in her friends truck because she is WASTED and take his cousins(Josh's) truck to where ever we are going to stay because it's NOOT going to be where we are! Well I can't find my cell phone.......I think someone may have taken it with them and it's dead so I can't call it (still wearing the same dress and heels BTW). So I'm like fuck it I'll come back tomorrow. Well my truck is still at the hotel because keep in mind no keys they are in Abilene by now. So Elvis and I are driving around town looking for a place to crash. Finally we go to his grandparenst house(where his Cousin Josh who's truck we have stays). It's about 4:30. We sneak in. He doesn't want them to see he has a girl with him. Kinda funny. We stay way up in Attic where his cousin Josh sleeps. We wake up at 8AM. he has to leave to pick up Josh and take him to work. I stay because I'm freaking tired. He comes BACK to get me at like 11:30AM. (still wearing the dress and heels). He takes me to the guys house from last night to find my cell......still no phone. He takes me to my grandparents house. no key. so I can't get in. They are still at church. SO I new my aunt would be home because we have family in from New Mexico and they are staying there and we are suppose to eat lunch over there and swim. I know my Dad's not there yet so I tell Elvis to take me there (still wearing dress and heels). My uncle Ricky, Uncle Charles and two of my cousins are standing outside leaning up against their truck when I pull up. I get out (still wearing dress and heels). Unlce Ricky says, "Long night?" I say yes.....I need a shower.....

what a long weekend....

I think no one will read this whole thing .....if you do you must comment

it's too crazy not to.
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