Jun 18, 2005 16:00
Im going to the st. Anthony's festival. and im getting ready, i got my hair did, not really i just straightened it but w/e. and i have this cute green halter on and i look hot. lol. sike. Tim thinks i do though right? lol. But yeah notice the red and green and white, Italian colors baybe! im half italian for those of you who didn't know. and i'm also part german scottish english and swiss. swiss cheese! that explains the holes in my head. lol. i would write in white but then u wouldn't see it so that would be dumb. ummm lets see. i miss Erin.shes in florida right now. imiss her. summer is boo with out her. lol. well lets see what else? i wish i was a less boring person. i bet hardly any one reads this so its really useless. but i don't care cause i read it lol. so yeah im bored. and im hungry. i want some italian food, but i dont' eat much italian food, so that sucks but i gtg finish cleaning the bathroom and getting ready so i'll write later
im hungry