Готовимся к сдаче выпускного экзамена в школе

Jan 28, 2016 15:32

Илья готовится через месяц сдавать выпускной экзамен. Это будет пробная попытка, мы решили попробовать, чтобы понимать, сколько еще сидеть на школьной программе. В рамках экзамена нужно написать эссе. С весны 2016 это можно не делать, т.е. обязательное эссе отменили. Но он будет пробовать. Для этого мы решили писать как можно больше пробных текстов. Хочу показать один из первых.

[Spoiler (click to open)]Тема:
"That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value."
Thomas Paine

Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. (You may use personal examples or examples from your reading, observations, or, knowledge of subjects such as history, literature, science.)

The question of what we value is quite interesting. Moreover, it requires some thinking. But I disagree with the statement that we only value what we struggle for. A person's view on value does not relate to their struggles.

How is a system of values formed in our life? As we grow up, we are taught what what is valuable by people or circumstances. That becomes a part of our picture of life. It's different for everyone. And if we value something, which can be an object, a social position, or a relationship, we are willing to endure pain for it. On the contrary, why do we have to struggle for a thing worthless in our eyes? It makes absolutely no sense! So, we don't value what we struggle for - we struggle for what we value.

For instance, when a child has a family, he either values it, or does not - depending on whether he is taught to. This has nothing to do with struggling. Another example is competing for a prize. The fact that we compete by itself means that the prize is valuable for us. That's why we are ready to work, limit ourselves, or experience discomfort in any other way.

Let's look at this the other way - you might ask. When we obtain something with little to no problems, we don't care about it that much. One example is children being not very accurate with their toys. They know that if they break a toy, they will get a new one, and won't lose anything. On the other hand, if we worked hard to acquire anything, we tend to be very careful with it, and handle it respectfully. That is true, I admit it. But is it really the subject that we value? When we work hard and achieve it, it represents our work, which we truly respect. And we are careful because we wouldn't want to work that much again, would we?

I admit that value systems of people is an interesting question to think about. But if you ask "do we only value what we struggle for", I have to say the question is irrelevant. We struggle for what we value. Value is the cause, and struggling is the effect. And although every person has a different view on what is worth its cost, we all are not going to struggle for anything we don't consider valuable.

Семейное обучение, Илья, сочинения, семейное обучение

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