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Oct 22, 2015 22:06

I want to become a programmer. Programming is what I can do a lot and what I do on my free time. It inspires me, especially when I see a result. And, of course, as I grow up, the time comes when I'll have to make a choice. Where to go for education? What programming branch to study? Any choice is horribly difficult for me to make, because if I choose one thing, I lose the other, which might've been better! That's why it's never too early to start making a choice of life.

Recently I've got an email from school, which told me about a lecture in the university. I've barely ever had any lectures, and sorry to say - anything I have never had always scares me away. Thanks to my dad who was enthusiastic and signed up for the presentation.

One month later the day came to go. Time flew fast, and it was a big surprise for me... The whole month passed by so fast! Considering that I'm 13 years old, it actually is a big time period for me. When I wake up, sat in the car and headed to the university, I didn't know what to expect. I just went there.

No one knows, was it a coincidence or not, but we were first to come. As we came in, an interesting exhibition appeared to our sight. Lots of old electronic clocks, first Macintosh computer, microscopic TV's of 1950's and even the first 3D printings the size of a thumb. As we stared at those unusual souvenirs, we didn't even notice the lecture time coming.

The hall was not small, but not as big as school presentation halls. As we sat there waiting, I thought that in the close future I will have lots of lectures. So what is it going to be like?

Finally, the lecture started, and the teachers achieved silence from the irrepressible students. I was quite surprised when the lector started talking about superheroes. Nevertheless, the presentation was interesting and informative. At the end I got tired, and was happy to get home. Yet this day was a great experience for me.

I'm perplexed about my fear of unknown. But from this day I learned a lesson once again: there's nothing bad in it. Furthermore, unknown has great opportunities, and I definetely shouldn't avoid it.

Семейное обучение, США, Илья, сочинения, семейное обучение

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