May 21, 2006 21:11
This is part of my credo from senior year. I am not quite so desperate for a god as I was then, but I still like the ideas.
" . . . Now follow me closely please. I’m almost done, but first I want to talk about God. This is an entirely new god, though, different from the God of Abraham. That god was just the representative of ultimate authority, this is the god that I sometimes see. I’ll explain. There is beauty in the world around us. That is undeniable. Have you ever seen the bright white circle of the moon against the dark sky on a warm night with a slight breeze rustling the leaves? That moment is unbelievably beautiful, but if we look around hard enough, we can find many such moments each day. Too often, though, these moments are cast aside and forgotten. But what if... what if you called all the beauty in the world “God”? And, since one can find beauty in almost everything, then Life is Beauty, Life is God. The beauty in a single moment becomes greater because it is part of the beauty of everything. Every thing of beauty, every moment of beauty is tied together into one thing, one web called God. To worship becomes to appreciate beauty and beauty would not be cast away or forgotten. To call it God makes it something great, but also makes it something we can be grateful to. In JB, Sarah says “we can’t just take, just eat, just-relish”. She is right. To call Beauty “God” reminds us to be grateful, to appreciate and cherish the beauty we see. To work to make more beauty for others. And this is the rule of life; to strive for beauty and God in everything and at every time. To me, this is spirituality in its highest form. Casting aside the fear of punishment, working instead towards complete and utter appreciation for something that is true and beautiful and good. Beauty is the most cleansing, the most spiritual, the most absolute Good in the world, and therefore the best Polaris we can possess. . . ."