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Apr 17, 2008 10:51

So, everything's in order for next semester. I registered for classes back on April 1st, and I got into any class I could have possibly wanted to, since the only people registering before me were athletes with special permission. Yay having senior credits as a junior. I'm taking some interesting classes, including karate. Yeah.

We kicked Mike out of the Generics not quite a week ago. Generics was too low on his priority list, and he missed/ was late to too many rehearsals and performances. We gave him the option to step down, but when he didn't, it went to a vote, and it was unanimous to let him go. Nothing personal, but you have to commit to something to get anything out of it. However, kicking him out bumped me up a rank, and now I'm going to be #1 next semester! This basically just means that I've been in the longest, but there are some really neat privileges and responsibilities that go along with being #1.

I was going to be an officer for SPS (Society of Physics Students), but the only officer I can see myself really committing to is president, and that takes the most time. I thought about it, but I decided not to run. This is kind of unfortunate, because our current president is stepping down (even though he's a junior right now), and two not-so-great candidates are stepping up. The only reasons I can think to do it are selfish: 1) I get keys to the physics building/lounge. 2) I get to interact more with the administration. Because of this, and the fact that I don't know how much time I will be able to give, I decided not to run (even though I probably would have won). ::sigh:: I dunno... I can't do everything.

Classes are going well. I didn't have any homework this week, which is kind of absurd. Although I do/did have tests. I made a few stupid mistakes on quantum, but I'm feeling good about thermo (which is in an hour)! I can't believe I am actually saying that. I hate thermo.

Oh well, I'm off to study some more.
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