The Late Shift Sydney Get Together. Part 1.

Nov 13, 2007 17:40

So, the other weekend I went off to Sydney, as myself and 19 of my Warcraft buddies had been planning a get together for a while.

Had some trouble at the Melbourne airport, as our flight from Launceston in Tasmania to Melbourne on the mainland, (we had to get another flight from Melbourne to Sydney) was delayed a little, so when we arrived the flight to Sydney was already boarding. As our tickets and the guy on the plane from Launceston had said gate 13, we hurried out of gate 5, out past security and down into another arm of the airport where gate 13 was.

...When we got there however, there was no one to be seen. No passengers, no staff, no nothing. About this point I glanced at the departures screen to note that in fact the gate had been changed to 3 without our being told.

So almost all the way back to gate five we dashed, my brother marvelling later that he didn't know I could move that fast. But I had my boarding pass, and my bag in hand, and be damned if I wasn't making that plane. Thankfully, I made it with a few minutes to spare, and off I went again into the deep blue sky.

When we arrived in Sydney, family friend Roy was there to pick us up and take me to my destination. Useful thing that. Saves the taxi money.

The Ascot Motor Inn was decent. Provided you were there to sleep and not to eat. The food looked horrible. They emptied disgusting buckets full of oil and fat with lumps of indeterminable stuff in them out on the drain after they used the kitchen. Not appetising.

We did however send the receptionist into hysterics by telling her the purpose for all of us showing up at once.

In any case after I arrived I met up with Steel and MDage, (Although he was more usually refered to as M-Dee because Mdage just doesn't roll off the tongue)

Steel, whose appearance gained him the title "Evil Jesus"

M-Dee approves of this lemonade!

We went into town to get some food for the evening, and I performed my annual act of charity by helping an old man get his heavy bag off the train, before the three of us settled on a seafood place in a plaza that had a big fancy waterclock thing in the centre of it. I had me some barramundi, while Steel turned out to be a vegetarian and only had some pasta and M-Dee got himself some oysters and baby octopus.

Once we got back to the Ascot, we all headed off to bed, figuring that tomorrow would be a big day.

20 minutes later I was woken up by knocking on my door, as M-Dee had returned, bringing with him my fellow tasmanians Thal and Darks for a bit of a chat.

Thal, fellow Tasmanian and one of the guild higher ups.

Darks is not very good at smiling or looking wide awake. Although I did see him smile when laughing.

I went back to bed for about 10 minutes, however I was then to hear Life's voice talking and laughing, followed by M-Dee's responding with. "He's in 28."

28 was my room.

I was half dressed before they even knocked.

Life bears a striking resemblance to Angry Anderson.

This time a chat was not the end of it, as Life insisted we go back to his room, as Steel, Darks, Thal and Linna were there already.

So back we went to Life and Linna's room, where we enjoyed a good yarn for an hour or so.

Linna, the little guy, seen here somewhat intoxicated.

A few drinks were had, although in the case of Life, Linna and Thal, it was more than a few. M-Dee doesn't drink, I'm only an occasional drinker and never enough to be any more than tipsy at any rate, and Steel and Darks didn't have much.

Thal seemed sober enough, although he couldn't remember what we'd been talking about the next morning, Life was fine, but Linna's only a little guy, and clearly does not have the body mass to handle that much booze.

Overdrinking is a horribly dumb thing to do kids. Take a look at Linna here. He was not clever and I can gurrantee he was regretting it in the morning. Know your limitations.

Next morning I went to get some breakfast at McDonalds with Life, Thal, Darks, and Linna. We returned to find out from M-Dee that Steel had not yet arisen and we were getting impatient.

So M-Dee and I woke him via pulling the covers off the bed and taking a photo with the flash.

Steel wasn't a big fan of that.

As we were standing outside waiting for the others staying at the Ascot to awaken so we could head off to the place where it was all going to happen, a silver mercedes pulled into the carpark as Litta arrived.

I cannot think of a witty remark to make about Litta.

A few minutes later, Peg and his ladyfriend turned up. Technically she's not part of the guild, but she came along for kicks. Besides, we needed someone to take the group photo.

Peg wuvs his dame.

Along with Peg and the dame, Why also turned up.

Why was a lot scrawnier than I imagined. Tall, but really skinny.

Part 2 coming soon.
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