Title: Eventually Ever After
wilchel Fandom: lotrips
Characters: dom monaghan, billy boyd
Prompt: 096. Writer's Choice.
Word Count: 1265
Rating: pg-13 for sexuality and swearing.
Author's Notes: I SWEAR I'VE TYPED THIS OUT BEFORE. anyway this is a little semi-dialogue (remniscient of the style i used for drunk aka tits in my cake, in case you liked that) that i've been working on since. i don't even know. it's been in the notebook i carry around for school and i generally write this instead of listening to my geometry teacher drag on about theorems. so here we go, finally.
"I figured it out."
(Yawn, open green eyes half-curtained by sleep.) "Dom? What time is it?"
"About three. Give or take a few minutes."
"In the morning?" (Eyebrows knitting, pushing himself up on his elbows, sheets pooling at his bare waist, blatant cool air rushing; moonlight pouring through still-closed blinds, illuminating his pale chest.) "Dom, are you - "
"Drunk? No, stop assuming that." (Eyes shining, both making contact with sleepy green orbs and being distracted by bare and pale skin before him.) "I don't just drown myself every night, contrary to popular belief. I have some class, you know."
"Oh, so sometimes champagne is in your repertoire of liquor, aye?"
"Smart ass." (Grinning to contradict himself.)
"Go back to your room." (Starting to turn over - ) "We can talk about whatever this is in the morning."
(Dom is straddling Billy's waist before he can give the action a second thought. Dom is rapidly aware of the hipbones he rests on; Billy lowers himself, sudden close proximity not necessarily unwanted, however unexpected.)
"Oh, okay. Apparently not."
"That's what I thought."
"How did you get in here?" (Eyebrows cock; not-so-subtle change of subject.)
"Your forgot I'm your best mate?"
"Uh, no, unless I was supposed to?"
"You gave me a key. You've been giving me a key."
"I have?"
"Well, most of the time. Haven't been taking advantage of it quite yet."
"Maybe the point of giving you a room key was to just give you the assurance that you could come in my room, to keep you from actually coming in here. Reverse psychology, you know."
(Shrug.) "Sorry it didn't work, then."
"Can we get a move on, Dom? Unlike you, I actually need a bit of sleep."
"We don't promote until tomorrow night. You have all of tomorrow to sleep."
"I like to sleep a lot."
"Snarky." (Wink.)
"Come on, Dom. I can barely keep my eyes open."
"If it's really that bad, then I guess you can go to sleep." (Pause.) "Be warned, I'm not leaving.
"So you're just going to sit on me?"
"I may or may not decide to snuggle with you at any given time during the night." (Shrug.)
"Well, I'm actually used to the snuggling. Sitting on me, too, when I think about it. Just not in a hotel room at three in the morning while I'm trying to sleep. Location, location, location."
(Snort.) "So, are you sleeping or not?"
"Stop being difficult."
"I'm trying to build suspense."
"Try harder."
"Look, you and your half-assed comebacks are getting kind of annoying. You want to hear about my epiphany or not?"
(Silence, and the asshole has the audacity to actually pretend he 's thinking about it.) "No, quite frankly, I do not."
(Typical cheshire grin falters suddenly; Billy is too tired to be immediately affected.)
"Dom - " (Common sense kicking in.)
"No, it's okay. You don't want to hear it. I get it."
"Dom, no, it's just - "
"You don't want to hear it. Yea, I understood you the first time."
"Dominic Mon - "
"Should I leave then?"
"Maybe you should - "
"Oh, alright." (Dom scrambles up, standing awkwardly as to not let Billy notice the half-enthusiastic hard-on that had developed somewhere within the last few minutes.)
"Seriously, Dom - "
"I'm leaving. See you tomorrow night, then?"
"If you would just - "
"I'll take that as a goodnight, Billys. See you tomorrow night. Love you."
"I love you too, but - " (Dom is gone before the words are found. Talking to an empty room suddenly seems rational.) "If you would stop being so difficult and let me talk, maybe you'd hear the part where I was inviting you to stay in here for the night, only condition being that we wait to do any talking until the morning."
(Waiting, like Dom had been standing outside the door, listening in.)
(No, that's just the bed.)
"Fuck you, Dominic Monaghan."
(Halfway out the door without his shirt bottoned, still pulling up a pair of pants; spots Dom down the hall, waiting for the elevator.)
"Dom!" (Against best efforts, he is ignored. Though a ghost of a smile seems to pass over Dom's lips before he steps into the elevator.)
"Fuck. You." (Who are you talking to?)
"Dom?" (To the empty hallway of the fifth floor. Minutes later; the elevator had been too slow and the beeps it made were too loud. Eerie at this time of night, without Dom's arm slung around his waist or shoulder.)
(Door slam.) "Found you." (Once again, who are you talking to? Tip-toeing down the hall.) "Dom?" (Whispers, light knocking. Nothing. Knocking, harder this time.) "Dom, I'm not leaving until you open this door."
(Still no answer; new tactic.)
(A good five minutes, and the door is pushed open; Billy's reflexes are fast.)
"Got you."
"It's the other way around , I think."
"Are you dense, Dom? In case you haven't noticed, I'm the one who's got you pinned against this wall."
"Yes, but how don't you know that wasn't part of the plan?"
(Eyebrows furrowed, frowning.) "What?"
"Nevermind." (That cheshire smile again.) "So, any specific reason you chased me up to my room?"
"You wouldn't slow down and let me explain."
"Well, I was going to tell you that you could stay in my room with me, but you were totally blowing things out of proportion."
(Dom cocks an eyebrow.) "That makes perfect sense."
"Okay, so maybe it doesn't make quite as much sense as I intended it to."
"I don't think it was ever intended to make any sense, Bills."
"Sorry." (Letting Dom out from the prison of his arms.) "Uh."
"So, are you coming to bed or not?" (When did Dom cross the room?)
"Uh - "
"I'll take that as a yes."
(Once under flannel sheets, denims, shoes, and overshirts thoroughly discarded, Billy has never been so aware of Dom's lack of clothes, nor the lack of distance between them.) "So?"
"So what?"
"I seem to recall waking up ten minutes ago to you telling me you'd discovered something groundbreaking."
"Oh, that? It can wait until the morning."
"If I didn't know any better, Dom, I'd swear you were on drugs."
"I've heard that one before."
"Yea, I usually have to defend your honor."
"Don't give me that look, Bills. I'm not a pothead, just because I smoke every once in a while - "
"What look?"
"I can sense it. Kind of like spidey-senses. Only better. You're judging me."
"Dom, I have no reason to judge you."
"You have plenty of reasons to judge me."
"The fact that you're my best friend kind of cancels all that out."
"I don't think it works like that."
"G'night, Dom."
(At least ten minutes later.) "Billy?"
"Fuck, Dom, I was almost asleep." (Accent thick.)
"You're in love with me."
"Of course I love you, Dom. Why are we talking about this?"
"No, Bills. I love you too. But I mean, this is what I figured out."
"Well then you're not very smart, if it took you that long to figure that I love you."
"I don't think you're picking up what I'm putting down." (Under any other circumstances, Billy would have laughed at Dom's sudden social awkwardness.) "You're being quiet because you know I'm right."
(The walls of the hotel room are echoing with Dom's truth and Billy knows it, even if he'd rarely allow himself to admit it.)
"Are you going to say anything?"
"We can talk about this in the morning."
"And Dom?"
"Just a forewarning, but I'm about to kiss you."