in the backseat - monaboyd - 1/2

Jun 15, 2009 23:02

Title: In The Backseat (1/2)
Pairing(s): Monaboyd
Word Count: 507
Disclaimer: If this really happened, which is unlikely, I wasn't aware of it. Also, title inspiration by 'In The Backseat' by The Arcade Fire
Author: wilchel 
Rating: PG
Summary: Billy Boyd and Peter Jackson were set up on a blind date, how does it go? Was it a love connection?
A/N: I was telling Erin about my writer's block, and how I didn't know what to do about it. She told me that she had writers block, too, and that she didn't know what to do about it either. We resolved to help break each other's writers block, and we ended up settling on some memes to help write drabbles or fics. I was supposed to be doing drabbles, but somehow things got a little crazy, so I present five mini-fics. I, also, ended up getting to a point where I decided not to finish the meme I was working on, but I managed to do one, two, three, four, and eight. I wrote these last night, and thanks to Rachel who beta'd one, and Josh who beta'd all of them, and to Brianna who lol'd with me even though she didn't know what I was talking about, and Vivian for agreeing that Monaboyd is cute even though I still need psychological help because of my obsession with them, and last but not least, thanks to Michael, who turned out to be Steve, who told me writing lotrips were a waste of my 'writing talent'. - Peter seems OOC to me. Sorry. :< - link posted prior.

"You like him," was usually a question. At least, in Dom's case. It was then typically followed by a response of, 'yea, sure, he's alright. Nice guy; knows a lot about cars.' Or whatever it was that guy exactly knew a lot about. Dom considered answering this non-question just that way, telling Peter that Billy knew lots about music, was a great guitar player, great voice, but Peter was the first one to figure it out, so kudos on that.

Up front, Liv is sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver. Dom isn't sure, as everyone's hushed in their own exhaustion from the day's work, helicopter rides, et cetera, but he's pretty sure Liv's taken a liking to this specific driver, and he's pretty sure she's spent the whole car ride making sure they were talking so she could find out more about him. Besides, it's the only explanation for the murmur coming from the front of the car. Between Liv and the driver, and Peter and Dominic, Elijah and Orlando have completely passed out. Orlando's head is thrown back, and Elijah is leaning into Orlando. It's funny, too, because they're all still in costume, so it's sort of like a hobbit and elf are snuggling, and in a car no less. Part of Dominic wants to sleep too, but another part of Dominic only wants to sleep if Billy's going to be there. This most likely comes from staring at Orli and Lij for too long, some form of jealousy coming to him because he wanted to be sitting there, with Billy. Then Orlando and Elijah could be sitting here in the back, having a conversation about who they liked.

"Billy. You like Billy," Peter says again, just to make sure Dominic is understanding. Dominic nodded; he doesn't want to talk about the whole situation much, but the words come tumbling out of his mouth before he knows what he's doing. He is curious, after all, because how did Peter figure it out? And if Peter had figured it out, who else?

"How did you know?"

"The look," Peter replies with a nod, his voice still hushed. Dominic can't help but feel pride for Peter's respect towards his privacy. "You give things this look when you like it. You do it in your acting, too; that's when I first noticed it. I don't know if you mean to do it. When you don't like something, there's this completely opposite face that shows up, and that's in your acting too. The look you give when you're happy, you always have it on when he's around. And when he's not, more often you've got the opposite face." Silence follows, accompanied by Dominic wondering if his facial expressions had really been that obvious. "Now, before you go and call me creepy for taking such interest, just remember that I'm a director, and my eye is always on smaller details."

Dom nodded, somehow not surprised by any of this information.

Peter's last, quieter words do take him off guard, though. "He likes you, too."

oneshot, dominic monaghan, elijah wood, fan fiction, slash, writing, monaboyd, lotrips, orlando bloom, meme, liv tyler, peter jackson

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