It's finally here - the thing you and me have been waiting for ...
I'm moving
(look in the next locked post for the adress of my new journal, please ^__^)
yai <3 My paid account ran out, I got tired of this lj and wanted a fresh new start, heh.
In the course of the next hour (?) I'll add you from there
Friends Cut
I knew that this would happen, don't be sad if I don't take you with me. It's not because I don't love you, or because I don't care, it's only because we never communicate anymore. Or never did :( And I don't really have that much time for lj anymore ...
If I asked you if I could friend you, I feel double-bad.
But hey, that's life :]
I know there are a lot of peope. Just de-friend wilarin and don't friend my new lj, okay? But if you feel like I've been such an important part of your life anyway, just ask me?
(we know that won't happen)
_nessah_rotteninsideacciofireboltarcadian_girlboho_lifegryffindor_phanimochanjateshijunemeatcleaverjunykynnylardencelovermellafepeacoquettishprolepticalremuslyomgspivvytakemeunder23thenthecasinouozluluvelyrhordexena_2001de Sorry <3
This lj will be closed now.
It was a nice time ... yes, it has to end ^___^