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Feb 04, 2010 21:28

Behind Every Good Man by juniperus Provocative
There is a story of Severus Snape you know, Mr. Potter. There is also a story you don't… until now.

Descending into Obscurity by sbrande Explicit
'I await your command, for I am yours to do with as you see fit.'Winner of Action & Adventure Order of Merlin, Third Class in the Owl Awards 2009.Lucius Malfoy, on orders from the Dark Lord, captures Hermione Granger to be held as his prisoner deep within the underground dungeons of his Manor. Can Harry and Ron carry on without the brains of their trio, or will Lord Voldemort prevail and take over the wizarding world?

Life after by thalassa Explicit
Severus is saved by a vampire.

Regrets, Remorse and Resurrection by magdalena Mature
Severus Snape has lived in seclusion for the past twenty years, separate from the rest of the Wizarding world, in self imposed isolation. Now, he's been tracked down by Hermione Granger with a message and request from and old colleague.

Iridescent Snow by labrt2004 Mature
Tragedy prompts Hermione to make a breakthrough discovery, and Severus Snape grudgingly agrees to assist her.   Things do not progress smoothly, but sometimes, it is merely a matter of seeing things in a different light…

Another dark star shineth by Alabaster Princess Explicit
A young Auror is invited to Grimmauld place to join the Order. there she finds the father she thought was dead and the lover she left behind. How will she cope with both men in her life and the complications they bring?

Like A Good Wine by betweenthetwo Provocative
As the Hogwarts Express pulls out of the station with her daughter on board, Hermione Granger begins to grapple with her status as a divorced woman. DH Compliant with a twist. Eventual HGSS.

All the Time in the World by juniperus Conservative
Finally, Severus is home.

Masks by sevibaby Mature
Follow up to Death. What Hermione Granger finds when she goes through Professor Snape's personal papers.

Christmas' Never Realized by sevibaby Explicit
Severus is given glimpses of one possible future.

Death by sevibaby Conservative
A lone figure stands at the grave of Severus Snape.

For the Potions Master's Amusement by snape_submiss Explicit
Severus Snape is not a kind man, but Hermione Granger is past caring. She wants his approval and will do anything to get it. How far will she go? Even she has no concept of the depths to which she will fall in her quest. Seventh year AU student/teacher.

Stockholm Syndrome by Alabaster Princess Explicit
A Muggle woman is suddenly, dangerously and irrevocably thrown into a war she doesn't understand. Now Severus Snape has to somehow work to keep both her and himself alive and safe.

Quicksilver by Alabaster Princess Mature
In Seventh Year, over a year after losing Lily, Severus Snape finds friendship in another green eyed girl. But can that friendship become more, and will it survive the pressures against them?

In the Dungeon Deep and Dark. by Alabaster Princess Explicit
Professor Snape runs afoul of a band of Death Eaters after the war. A student stumbles in on the scene, changing both of their lives.

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