My Vacation

Sep 12, 2009 12:04

So, yeah.... it kind of blew.

This is the first time I've seen the sun in a week, and I'm back in Columbus. There was no sun at the beach AT ALL. It was cold and grey, with insane winds EVERY DAY we were there. And on Thursday, it started to storm and the wind was so bad it picked up all our deck furniture and blew it around the patio all night, and it sounded like the wind was about to blow the window air conditioners onto our heads.

I went in the ocean once, and it was so cold that nobody would go in with me. So I frolicked around by myself for about 45 minutes before my mom called me back because she said I was out too far, and there were no lifeguards on duty after Labor Day. That was the only time I got to swim. I'm a superpale Swede. I didn't put on a drop of sunblock for the entire week, and I didn't get so much as a hint of color!

Oh yeah, and after Labor Day, the island apparently starts to close down, so the two restaurants I wanted to go to were both closed for the season by the time we got to them. The boardwalk closed, the amusement park closed, most of the shops closed.

Basically, we sat around in our (really cute) beach house on really uncomfortable furniture and got on eachother's nerves for a week. Also, my nephew was driving me insane. He's three, and he's adorable in small doses, but apparently I just wasn't meant to handle a three year old on a daily basis. Our TV was broken for the first few days too, so we couldn't even do that.

I DID read most of the manga I brought with me, but the furniture was so uncomfortable that it was impossible to find a good, relaxing spot to read in. I would have much rather been home in my comfy chair in my sunroom.

We DID get some really good seafood, and we went to Barnegat Lighthouse, and I climbed all the way to the top like I always do in an effort to get over my fear of heights. I actually did much better this year than I did the last time, and that was really fun. But as for the rest, there was nothing to do that I couldn't have done at home and had a much better time with it.

Of course, I was also stuck with my family, who I'm beginning to fear are too banal for me to be around for any real length of time. It was nice to hang out with my mom and dad a few times, but the drive to the shore sucked because they did nothing but bitch about my music, always making me turn it down or off, and I couldn't read my manga in peace or watch Prince of Tennis Dream Live 1st, which I brought with me for a laugh, because they just made fun of it. Then Thursday night, there was an incident involving FFVII Advent Children where my sister showed her complete disregard for my feelings, made me feel like a total freak for thinking Sephiroth is hot, and really hurt my feelings. I ended up crying in my bedroom just missing home and my friends, so Friday I surprised my whole family by deciding to drive back by myself a day early.

That ended up being the best thing I did all week, and I had a great adventure on the road! I blasted my music as loud as I wanted, stopped when I wanted, got some good snacks, and was very proud of myself for finding my way home. So yeah... that was great, and now I have an actual day at home before D&D tomorrow and back to work on Monday. I'm going to use my leftover vacation money to buy some manga and anime and get something good to eat.

It's good to be home! I just wish I didn't feel like my whole family wasted our vacation time on what was supposed to be a great week at the beach. :(
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