Jul 31, 2007 08:55
Hello all! So, don't you love when I stay away for months and months, and then BAM! POST! :D Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everybody on my Friends list, most of whom I haven't been in contact with for FAR too long. That happens when I'm not working at a job that lets me check LJ every day. Mouuuu!!
A little about me... I'm doing wonderfully better than I was a month or so ago, mainly just from making (and enforcing!) the decision to stay positive. It's too easy to get depressed, and I find that I'm much happier when I'm.. well.. happy, and can try to be a source of cheer for my friends rather than angst. That said, hugs to M-chan, who is having sucky right now, but not in the good way. I'm so glad that we were able to end our Separation, my wife!!
Also, I'm attempting once again to take control of my weight. I'm so SICK of feeling so thick and tired and crappy all the time, so I'm going back to the gym, and I'm going to try and watch what I eat. I'm very inspired by M-chan and Kaasan, who have both lost so much weight and kept it off, and look fantastic. Kudos! No fatties! (Sim reference, because I am a dork).
So yes, that's about it for now. Hi there and hello, and if I haven't seen you in forever, chances are that I want to! *snugs all, skips off*
EDIT:OMG, the determined ferret face is so angry! I be cheerful instead! *fist*