Что в мире используют от похмелья

Jan 08, 2011 11:48

Средства от похмелья со всего света

Любители выпить ищут панацею от похмелья с тех пор, как появилась выпивка, и в каждой культуре есть свой способ борьбы с похмельем, пишет Джули Биндел на страницах The Guardian.

Например, в Китае пьют крепкий зеленый чай, в Италии выпивают по большой чашке черного кофе. Румыны, мексиканцы и турки рекомендуют жирный соленый суп из потрохов с чесноком и сметаной. Американцы предпочитают сырое яйцо с томатным соком и уксусным соусом, поляки потягивают рассол, японцы поедают маринованные сливы, немцы - маринованную селедку с луком. "Если вы думаете, что это звучит неаппетитно, не злоупотребляйте спиртным в Монголии, так как там вам порекомендуют съесть пару маринованных глаз овцы в томатном соусе", - отмечает автор.

"А вот русские с похмелья направляются в баню с какими-то березовыми ветками (не спрашивайте, зачем)", - говорится в статье. Сицилийцы съедают сушеный пенис быка.

"Лично я предпочитаю банку диет-колы, а в крайне тяжелом случае - Lucozade. Но, кажется, правильнее всех поступают голландцы. Они просто выпивают несколько банок холодного пива и утверждают, что это помогает. Старое доброе средство от похмелья. Почему бы и нет? Ваше здоровье!" - пишет автор.

Источник: The Guardian

Hangover cures from around the world

From the scientific to the outlandish, every drinking culture has its own perspective on curing a hangover. What do you do?

Surely there are better hangover cures than a tablet? Photograph: Westend61/Getty Images
I am writing this while sporting a massive hangover following a family get-together in the north east of England. There, a cure for the morning after is as much carbohydrate as you can neck, which is why Greggs the baker always has such long queues in that part of the country.

Drinking folk have been searching for an effective hangover cure since booze was created. In 1894, New York socialite Samuel Benedict believed he had found the perfect solution to the morning after the night before. After a heavy night on the sauce he asked the Waldorf Astoria hotel staff to whip him up his own creation, now known as eggs Benedict: half an English muffin, topped with bacon or ham, poached eggs, and rich Hollandaise sauce.

Perhaps the secret is in the ham and the bread. Newcastle University conducted some research on the most effective hangover cure in 2009 and discovered what some of us already knew - that the bacon sandwich won hands down. Bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Our bodies needs these amino acids to counter the effects of the alcohol, so eating them will make you feel better.

Nineteenth century chimney sweeps were known to dose themselves with a lump of soot mixed into warm milk. I have no idea who came up with the idea but it was also often given in hospitals around this time because it mops up toxins in the stomach and intestines.

In China today they slurp strong green tea, and in Italy a massive pot of black coffee. The Romanians, Mexicans and Turks all recommend tripe boiled in a greasy, salty soup with garlic and cream. The Prairie Oyster is an American favourite - a concoction of tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce and a raw egg - and the Polish sip sour pickle juice, and the Japanese, pickled plums. Germans quaff pickled herring with raw onion. If you think that sounds unappetising, don't overindulge in Mongolia, as they advocate scoffing a pair of pickled sheep's eyes in tomato juice.

In Russia they head to the sauna with some birch branches (don't ask). Many a New Zealander knows a mince and cheese pie and chocolate milk works a treat. Koreans have "soup for the stomach," which is sold on weekend mornings from street stalls and is made of pork spine or cow bones, coagulated ox blood, cabbage, and vegetables.

Rabbit-dropping tea was a favourite of cowboys from the old west to counter the effects of too much whiskey the night before. This concoction actually featured in the original script for Brokeback Mountain, but the scene was later cut.

Sicilians eat a dried bull's penis. A famous Celtic cure is to bury the
sufferer in moist river sand. If they don't fancy that there is always the
Highland Fling. Heat a pint of buttermilk, add a tablespoon of cornflower and finish with salt and pepper. Or scoff a recently-invented Irn-Bru square sausage, billed as the best-ever hangover cure by the butcher who came up with the recipe.

The ancient Romans tucked into a few deep-fried canaries. Before you say "disgusting" think about those times you have craved a bucket of KFC after a heavy night out.

I favour a fry-up and a can of diet Coke, or, if really extreme, a Lucozade. But it is the Dutch who seem to have it about right. They drink a few cold beers and swear that does the trick. Good old hair of the dog. Who am I to argue? Cheers.

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