I am sooo happy

May 31, 2005 20:43

Yay! No more locked doors! Gracias! J/p, but i am happy to be out of gulf oaks. There really are waay too many locked doors around there and absolutely no touching and it drove me totally insane. But the meds were worth it. So so totally worth it. They calmed me down and kept me level headed. For a couple of days, i actually forgot all about Russell and Rebekah. Isn't that just groovy gravy? I think so. I also think that my piss will come out totally clear of thc if i was tested...i drank nothing but apple juice the whole time i was there. Well, that and clear drinks and oj. Im glad to be home again though i had fun. I just wish i could get in touch with Darren. I really like him alot. WHY WON'T THAT NUMBER WORK?!?! I'm pissed, so I'm going to go now. I'm gonna call Ke'rr and try to see what she's up to nowadays. bye bye journal peeps!!! Oh, and by the way, the date on the journal is wrong...its june the 2nd, not may the 31st.
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