This is going to be brief because I need a shower, then to get a ton of stuff done, but....
How many of you remember Baby and Crowley, the cats asshat kept?
Guess who liberated them from his house a couple of weeks ago with the aid of the wonderful and amazing
The long and short is, they were neglected. Terribly. The house reeked of urine, there was cat shit in every room, the litter box room was so bad I couldn't breathe in there, the boxes looked like they hadn't been changed in months, and the cats?
Let's just say I had to get both hands X-rayed once the cats were in a stable enough position I could leave them for a while. The pantry door may or may not have suffered injury as well.
Both cats got shaved. Crowley had major, major dental work, and Baby needs less major work and the cyst on her tail removed. They were in psychologically horrible shape--they'd given up. When the vet thanks you for bringing them in, you know it's bad. In the end, I kept Baby, and Will (Spacezombie) took Crowley, and both of them are so happy. When we let them out of their carriers into their nice, new, clean, but still new and strange and strange-cat-scented homes, they hurried straight out. And SNIFFED! And LOOKED AROUND! And PURRED! Oh, they were happy. =) Sooooooooooo haaaaaaaaappy.
They're still getting used to the other cats, and I haven't gotten Baby's dental work done, but they're in good places now. They've stopped hiding, they come see people now (even Baby, who's never liked strangers--makes me wonder what asshat did to her even when I was still around), and they and their new siblings are gradually coming to terms. Baby doesn't like to leave my room, but that's okay. Pea's getting comfortable with coming in, and Baby's getting comfortable with letting her be here.
And, I, for one, am much more contented knowing my babies are finally cared for and safe.