Alright, I finally got myself together to take pictures of my garden. Warning, like ten big pictures ahead.
So yeah, let's get the fluffy stuff out of the way. Here are my flowers. They were haphazardly-planted gifts from my mother. Obviously they're hardy as sin to be growing in pure clay. Ignore the rampant weeds, I've been lazy.
A closeup of one of the coneflowers.
A little around the corner is the plant graveyard. This is a very sloped, totally clay bed that couldn't hold moisture if it were covered in sponges. It is the stray cats' favorite pooping spot, which makes the stoop smell like poop instead of flowers. It currently houses a bunch of refugees. These come in two varieties: stuff that was on the floodplain that had to be moved, and backup plants that were sitting under my growlight that I didn't wish to kill. If you've got a good eye, you can see chard, sage, leeks, a daylily, and basil here. And lots of weeds.
One of the stupid stray cats that poops all over my garden. This one, Cristin has named Strawberry Shortlegs.
A little down the way is more basil, a Calwonder pepper plant, even more basil, an Alma Paprika pepper plant, even MORE basil, a Bella Rossa eggplant, and a trellis holding the dead skeletons of the snap peas. Unfortunately, I waited too long in hopes of having enough peas for a meal, and most of them went bad in unison. A damn shame.
Here's a closeup of the paprika. It's going to turn into cherry tomato-sized peppers. They should be fun to stuff, with a very light heat to them. Now, they're just kinda alien-looking.
Even further down the wall is the nigh-dead zone I'm calling the floodplain. My landlord told me I was allowed to have a garden. He did not, however, inform me that I shouldn't take out all the awful clay he had filling all of the beds, because he was using it as a stopgap against basement flooding. Sure enough, I dug up 8 inches of clay, put in topsoil, and our basement started to flood. The landlord demanded that I put the clay back, which meant moving the aforeseen chard and leeks elsewhere while I piled the clay back on. Eventually, I planted a couple of the tomato and pepper rejects there, just so I could turn off my growlight without feeling murderous.
Just a little down from the floodplain is my parsley. Now, I had this crappy extra parsley come Marchish that I felt guilty just throwing out, so I told myself I'd plant them in the ground, and if they died, that was ma nature's will. Well, that sort of fell through, and I protected them through the end of the winter. Sure enough, they exploded into an enormous clump.
Here's what you came to see (maybe). Here are my seven tomato plants, each over 8 feet in height, and a couple approaching ten feet. From front to back, left to right, it's Dr. Wyche and Better Boy in the first row, Brandywine(Sudduth) in the second row, Brandywine(Sudduth) and Hillbilly in the third row, and Jaunne Flamme and Black Plum in the last row.
A closeup of one of the Brandywines.
A closeup of a cluster of Jaunne Flammes.
And uh...yeah. That's it.