looking for sugestions

Apr 28, 2011 11:04

I've done all the practical stuff for the wedding and am now looking for decorationstuff. This will be the party venue - (a scoutinghall) and I am still not sure what exactly I am going to do with that.

But apart from decorating the inside I also want to have something for the entrance (there is a small entryway to the parkingplace, it is not clearly signposted and I like people to feel clearly welcomed.) One idea I had was to have a "garden painting" at the entrance with a suitable imgage. I was looking for something steampunk with a garden or a castle or mechanical animals or some such. But the main problem is to find a picture of high enough quality. (I have a discount voucher for a 100cm x 100 cm or a 90 cm x 120 cm banner (and our preference is for the latter size because we can use that the best for our garden).

Does anyone have an idea where I can look for such a resource. I looked in flickr en deviant art (but for some reason in neither could I find how to specify in what resolution the pics ought to be)? all tips and sugestions welcome.
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