I made a hospital appointment today

Mar 11, 2010 19:51

After a long time of hesitation I finally made an appointment at the KNO (keel neus en oor /throat nose and ear) department of the hospital.

Since childhood I have problems breathing trough my nose. When I was about 10 they made a Röntgenpicture of my nose and the way to my longs. The doctor then said it was not a pressing problem then but if I had complaints after my 18th year i could consider having the opening surgically widened.
I have never had the idea I had enough complaints to warrant surgery (plus being depressed I had sort of something else on my mind) but I have now decided to go for a consult.
Things I have problems with: doing excersizes breathing trough my nose (like yoga), kiss and breath trough my nose, Peter noticed that my breath stocks during sleep. Not quite long enough to be dangerous and classify as apneu, but still not a good sign. All in all, I be a good girl and go to the doctor.
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