Welcome, Stranger!

Jul 17, 2020 16:05

This journal is partly friends-locked.

Any posts containing fanworks and/or squeeing are going to be open for all to see. If you are here for those kind of posts you are welcome to stay. No need for me to friend back.

Any posts concerning my 'real life' are locked. If you are here for that, please drop me a note and tell me about yourself. I will then decide if I friend you back or not. This has mainly to do with the fact that I don't read my flist on a filter and my time to read the flist is limited. Therefore I try and keep it at a manageable level.

You should know: I am a fickle creature and tend to go through fandoms at a rather fast pace. But I tend to move in circles, so fandoms re-appear periodically.

The following fandoms co-exist peacefully in this journal:
SGA, White Collar, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin, Star Trek, Life/Standoff, Sanctuary, due South,(House MD), Leverage, Sherlock (Holmes), Avengers, Teen Wolf...

This list is neither alphabetical nor exhaustive. They're just the ones I remember at the moment.

Still here? Then:

Welcome, Stranger. Feel free to stay and share the joy. :)

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