
(no subject)

Mar 20, 2004 21:25

Sometimes, people piss me off. They assume too much. Not that me ranting about it's going to make any difference. They assume that how you act is how you are. They assume your motives are what you think they are, or what you say they are. They assume you are who you say you are. They assume you're simple.
They assume you're human.
Half of the people reading this will think I'm a lecher. No, prolly more than that will.
Most of you don't know me well enough to truely judge this, and you're definately wrong.
Half of you think I'm dedicated. You're wrong.
Some of you think that I'm strong, possibly more than just strong.

You're wrong.

Nobody really gets it. Everyone goes and yabbers on about how 'it's so hard to do this' and how 'I had to do that'. God, that annoys me. People go on about how it's hard to say no to temptation, well fuck them. People judge others when they're just as bad themselves.
People assume that I'm not including myself. People assume that I'm being a self righteous arrogant bastard when I'm saying this, and putting everyone else down. Well, guess what? You're wrong. I know that I'm weak. I know that I'mall-too-human. I know that I am all that you say I am, but not because you say I am. Because I make myself so.

you're goddamned lucky I'm not in a bad enough mood to start specifically ranting. You idiots out there are SO lucky that I'm not *too* human.

Oh, and fuck you. I know what you're thinking now. Seriously. Fuck you. You assume far, far too much. (Yes, that was specific. But I said I woulnd't name names. Hell, to be honest, I'm not sure if the person is even going to read this. *shrugs*)

oh, and I guess that there's still only one person out there who knows my real weakness. even that person is doubting it. you're all stupid. every one of you.
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