heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. yeah, that ruled. you sound like are narrating a book. you kind of sound american with a weird accent thrown in the mix every now and then. i don't know, you have a nice voice. i liked it. :)
i made a wav immediately so i wouldn't have time to think about how stupid this actually is, so you will get a lot of UMs and I DON'T KNOWs in it. i'm uploading it now and listening to it. i sound like a rere, but OH WELL. i refuse to re-record it.
my cat is obese and sounds like a human, so while i was making it i thought someone was in my home. i just checked my pants and they are fine. i'm telling you this because there is a weird pause in the word format towards the end and it makes me sound silly if you don't know i am looking over my shoulder in fear. excuses, excuses!
so this should be the link to it http://papaw.depressed.net/scon. i made you your own little folder and everything. woohoo. unlimited webspace is a beautiful thing, so are the friends who give it to you.
anyway, that was awesome. thank you. hearing lj voices is so crazy they never match my imagination (neither do their pictures). i hope my rambling was good enough. i just sort of replied to your last reply in it. hee. i guess i cheated a little bit. it'd been terrible if i hadn't replied though.
You sound exactly like someone I knew from Oklahoma! Except she said that she didn't have a typical Oklahoma accent, more (I think she said Minnesota?). Definitely a southern accent, but not strong. Very nice though (c:
If those people who stayed with you were from Northern Ireland, they would have had really strong accents. I actually have difficulty understanding some Northern Irish accents.
Yay for free webspace! And yay for personal scon folders! I used to have that, but lost it a few months ago. I feel like a web hobo now because my stuff sleeps wherever it can find, but we usually get kicked out and move on somewhere else. Photobucket has been good to us. We like photobucket.
I knew a Carrie once. I lost touch with her when I was 12, but I've always wondered where she ended up since. I'm Conor (c:
hah. yeah, i don't deny having a southern accent, but it isn't as bad as others. although, i do love southern belle accents. maybe i will start faking a gone with the wind accent, spend my days walking around drinking iced tea, and smacking people with gloves. i've got the last two down pat.
they didn't stay with me. they worked with my friend johnathan at a kid's museum while they were here, so i just met them. they could have possibly been from northern ireland.
either way i enjoyed their accents. the accents weren't so much lucky charms accents, but kind of sinead o'connor? really, that was the best example i could think of, so sad.
i've honestly only heard the accent you mocked in a lucky charms cereal commercial or when people are making fun of redheads.
I say just go for the smacking people with gloves thing. Accent or no accent.
I can't really think of Sinéad O'Connor's accent now that I try. Poo )c:
Heehee, yeh, I suppose that accent I did is really one that Irish people do to make fun of Irish people (if that makes sense). But you should hear how bad some Irish accents in movies sound to us :D I'm sure it's the same for anywhere that's being impersonated though.
Hey! You look/sound/act like a different person, but nice to have caught up with you finally dc;
I was having problems getting disconnected last night, not sure what is was so sorry for suddenly disappearing like that. I gave up after a few mins of trying. Thanks for your help anyway (c:
i made a wav immediately so i wouldn't have time to think about how stupid this actually is, so you will get a lot of UMs and I DON'T KNOWs in it. i'm uploading it now and listening to it. i sound like a rere, but OH WELL. i refuse to re-record it.
my cat is obese and sounds like a human, so while i was making it i thought someone was in my home. i just checked my pants and they are fine. i'm telling you this because there is a weird pause in the word format towards the end and it makes me sound silly if you don't know i am looking over my shoulder in fear. excuses, excuses!
so this should be the link to it http://papaw.depressed.net/scon. i made you your own little folder and everything. woohoo. unlimited webspace is a beautiful thing, so are the friends who give it to you.
anyway, that was awesome. thank you. hearing lj voices is so crazy they never match my imagination (neither do their pictures). i hope my rambling was good enough. i just sort of replied to your last reply in it. hee. i guess i cheated a little bit. it'd been terrible if i hadn't replied though.
what is your name? i'm carrie.
If those people who stayed with you were from Northern Ireland, they would have had really strong accents. I actually have difficulty understanding some Northern Irish accents.
Yay for free webspace! And yay for personal scon folders! I used to have that, but lost it a few months ago. I feel like a web hobo now because my stuff sleeps wherever it can find, but we usually get kicked out and move on somewhere else. Photobucket has been good to us. We like photobucket.
I knew a Carrie once. I lost touch with her when I was 12, but I've always wondered where she ended up since. I'm Conor (c:
they didn't stay with me. they worked with my friend johnathan at a kid's museum while they were here, so i just met them. they could have possibly been from northern ireland.
either way i enjoyed their accents. the accents weren't so much lucky charms accents, but kind of sinead o'connor? really, that was the best example i could think of, so sad.
i've honestly only heard the accent you mocked in a lucky charms cereal commercial or when people are making fun of redheads.
i am that carrie, long time no see!
I can't really think of Sinéad O'Connor's accent now that I try. Poo )c:
Heehee, yeh, I suppose that accent I did is really one that Irish people do to make fun of Irish people (if that makes sense). But you should hear how bad some Irish accents in movies sound to us :D I'm sure it's the same for anywhere that's being impersonated though.
Hey! You look/sound/act like a different person, but nice to have caught up with you finally dc;
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