It should do exactly that? I tried it there and it worked fine for me, so maybe try it again. I've had no space to host anything in the past few months, so I just grab any free space I can. I think that place works only when it wants to (and somebody told me is mainly used to host porn sites, hurrah, which would explain why it's not so reliable).
Nice (c: I was toying with the idea of doing graphic design when I started here, but I soon learned that I can't work with limits or somebody elses idea when I'm on a roll, I just need to get my own stuff out. I think I'd go slowly nuts having to satisy clients. Thankfully we have a general first year where you only choose your speciality in second year and that helped me decide.
Portfolio exhibit? I'm sure we've a different term for it, but we do have to present our years work for assesment at the end. We also have term crits inbetween. At the end of the four years we put our main degree piece up for for public exhibition also. If a portfolio exhibit is any of those, then yes, we do :D
lol, I can't really understand the Irish thing, but I suppose I have it for other countries and must try.
yes, that is it. showing your work in a gallery to graduate.
yeah, i'm really not into graphic design now when i started i loved it. i'm pretty much over it now, but there was no way i was going to switch majors. i had already switched schools (film school to a regular university), so i couldn't handle putting off graduating any longer. really though, you can get your bfa in just about anything and switch it up when you get your mfa.
hrm, i think it is just me. i generally tend to hate all accents, but for some reason i am all about some irish accents.
a lot of irish youth were coming to my area with a program to unite protestants and catholics and i could never fully follow what they were speaking about because i was so absorbed in their accents. towards the end of the conversations i'd be unconsciously imitating them then i'd spend the rest of the night trying to make up for the fact that i might have offended them.
i generally tend to only like irish, southern(american - "the south"), and californian accents (which are basically no accents at all).
i guess i'm weird. :S
but i really think you should make a wav for me just because i'm so lovable!
I'm in that strange position that I don't want to leave college. I'd be happy to add more years on, though I wouldn't like the hassle of changing courses. I'm milking 5 years out of this one (I did a one year course before starting in this place).
That's unusual (or maybe usual?) that you get a bfa in graphic design. Over here, you get a BFA in many areas, but not design. That has it's own BDes award.
They do that? Wow. I'm guessing they were disadvantaged kids also? I can't really associate with that whole catholic/protestant trouble thing. Dublin feels so detached from all that (which is kinda bad). It'd be like if it was all happening in Alaska for you. You'd be very aware of it, but find it hard to relate to. I actually onluy went up there (Belfast) for the first time last year and I really liked the place. Felt very safe too which was nice.
Some Southern American accents can be very nice (c: I had some Californian friends over here during October and they definitely had an accent! It wasn't strong though, just typical 'American' I suppose.
I probably will do a recording if you pester me enough, but I hate the sound of my own voice (plus I'll disappoint you. The Californians asked for a refund on my voice because it 'didn't sound Irish enough').
i think 5 years is typical at least with art students, but i've known other majors to take 5 years as well.
yeah, i guess so. the whole situation seemed odd to me because, well, why would they choose a small city in east tennessee to bring religions together? east tennessee is pretty much the buckle of the bible belt, but the city i am in is somewhat disconnected from that whole scene. about 60% of the city is a gay population and the people are totally different from the 2 cities surrounding it (more open minded). i was completely baffled by the choice of their location. maybe they are touring the states? i'd really be embarrassed if this area was their only impression of america.
honestly, i don't understand the whole catholic/protestant situation at all and i chose not to ask them about it. i mostly only spoke to the girls, but they didn't seem to be troubled youth and when i asked my friend johnathan about the group he said they weren't. i really have no clue.
hehe. of course, californians would have an accent to you! i, being completely absorbed in only my own surroundings, meant as far as american accents they have no accent.
i just like southern (the south) accents because i am southern (tennessee, usa).
(i completely misinterpreted what you were saying in your reply because i'm a rere and had already typed this response out so i'm going to continue with it. :D )
as far as south american accents they are okay. i've been making a friend from ecuador teach me spanish and i've been helping him with his english, but mostly all i do is ask him how to say words like hot dogs and unicorns then i laugh for 30 minutes and forget what i am doing. my friends from brazil who live here are pretty americanized and their accents stranglely enough ended up sounding like a crappy keanu reeves' surfer accent. it is very odd!
i speak with a guy who lives in brazil via the internet, but he's never sent me a real wav of his accent just mainly him imitating fez from That's 70s Show.
do you get any american media there? i thought it was interesting that brazil and ecuador were watching That's 70s Show.
do you ever use any programs like aim or msn? i'll probably keep these messages going until you stop replying because i love learning about other cultures. :D
i'm terrible at pestering :( but if you make a wav i'll make one for you. D:
I'm fascinated by other cultures too, don't worry (c:
Well most art degrees are four years here. A lot of people do a portfolio course beforehand (like me) to actually get into the colleges, so that added an extra year. Also, I'm hoping to do a masters afterwards so that will add even more on.
I don't have a clue why they chose that area then. Maybe the 2 places had people that knew eachother well beforehand. Who knows. Apparently Dublin has the highest percentage of gays per head in a European city.
I've never known anyone from Tennessee, so congratulations on being the first! I of course meant the South of North America, not South America itself, sorry (I know I worded it badly).
We get lots of American media yeh. Most of it, all the tv/music etc. I love how somebody unfamilar with a culture can be so unsure of things that I take for granted. There's something nice about that that I can't quite pin down. You'll probably be disappointed with how Americanised this place is. We have cousins from Maryland over quite a lot and they say that apart from the accents and the houses looking different, they didn't feel all that far away from home.
Ok, ok, I promise I'll send you a recording at some point in return for one from you (c: I just have to get around to doing it.
I have MSN, yep. Name is the email address in my profile. I'm rarely ever on it though, since the time I spend checking lj and my email is bad enough. If I turned that on all the time I'd start having serious problems (c; Feel free to add me for the rare occasions when I do sign on.
I've never known anyone from Tennessee, so congratulations on being the first! I of course meant the South of North America, not South America itself, sorry (I know I worded it badly).
i read it wrong, but i had already written my answer out so i just kept with it. :o
i added you to my msn. carrie332.
see my voice is in the last post with the link, so now you have to make a wav. of course, everything is in reverse.
if you want a wav tell me what to say, otherwise, i will just read lyrics to a cheesy song. anyway, make a wav! :D
I liked that piece and don't have a clue how you managed all that sound with just sound recorder. I also like how the background seems to slow down just for a moment, as if it notices you and wants a quick glane. Probably not what you intended though.
Ok, I actually went and recorded something. I went to listen to it but had to stop it immediately, so I can't even remember what's in it. You know it's a bad thing when you make the person listening to it cringe. Anyway, I'll skip all the crap. It really is awful and I absolve myself of any associations with it.
You must now return the favour of course. But to make it fair, you must make no preparations whatsoever, and no reading :D Basically it'll be you complaining about having nothing to say (c: (or if something does come to mind, feel free to speak about that).
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. yeah, that ruled. you sound like are narrating a book. you kind of sound american with a weird accent thrown in the mix every now and then. i don't know, you have a nice voice. i liked it. :)
i made a wav immediately so i wouldn't have time to think about how stupid this actually is, so you will get a lot of UMs and I DON'T KNOWs in it. i'm uploading it now and listening to it. i sound like a rere, but OH WELL. i refuse to re-record it.
my cat is obese and sounds like a human, so while i was making it i thought someone was in my home. i just checked my pants and they are fine. i'm telling you this because there is a weird pause in the word format towards the end and it makes me sound silly if you don't know i am looking over my shoulder in fear. excuses, excuses!
so this should be the link to it i made you your own little folder and everything. woohoo. unlimited webspace is a beautiful thing, so are the friends who give it to you.
anyway, that was awesome. thank you. hearing lj voices is so crazy they never match my imagination (neither do their pictures). i hope my rambling was good enough. i just sort of replied to your last reply in it. hee. i guess i cheated a little bit. it'd been terrible if i hadn't replied though.
You sound exactly like someone I knew from Oklahoma! Except she said that she didn't have a typical Oklahoma accent, more (I think she said Minnesota?). Definitely a southern accent, but not strong. Very nice though (c:
If those people who stayed with you were from Northern Ireland, they would have had really strong accents. I actually have difficulty understanding some Northern Irish accents.
Yay for free webspace! And yay for personal scon folders! I used to have that, but lost it a few months ago. I feel like a web hobo now because my stuff sleeps wherever it can find, but we usually get kicked out and move on somewhere else. Photobucket has been good to us. We like photobucket.
I knew a Carrie once. I lost touch with her when I was 12, but I've always wondered where she ended up since. I'm Conor (c:
hah. yeah, i don't deny having a southern accent, but it isn't as bad as others. although, i do love southern belle accents. maybe i will start faking a gone with the wind accent, spend my days walking around drinking iced tea, and smacking people with gloves. i've got the last two down pat.
they didn't stay with me. they worked with my friend johnathan at a kid's museum while they were here, so i just met them. they could have possibly been from northern ireland.
either way i enjoyed their accents. the accents weren't so much lucky charms accents, but kind of sinead o'connor? really, that was the best example i could think of, so sad.
i've honestly only heard the accent you mocked in a lucky charms cereal commercial or when people are making fun of redheads.
I say just go for the smacking people with gloves thing. Accent or no accent.
I can't really think of Sinéad O'Connor's accent now that I try. Poo )c:
Heehee, yeh, I suppose that accent I did is really one that Irish people do to make fun of Irish people (if that makes sense). But you should hear how bad some Irish accents in movies sound to us :D I'm sure it's the same for anywhere that's being impersonated though.
Hey! You look/sound/act like a different person, but nice to have caught up with you finally dc;
I was having problems getting disconnected last night, not sure what is was so sorry for suddenly disappearing like that. I gave up after a few mins of trying. Thanks for your help anyway (c:
Nice (c: I was toying with the idea of doing graphic design when I started here, but I soon learned that I can't work with limits or somebody elses idea when I'm on a roll, I just need to get my own stuff out. I think I'd go slowly nuts having to satisy clients. Thankfully we have a general first year where you only choose your speciality in second year and that helped me decide.
Portfolio exhibit? I'm sure we've a different term for it, but we do have to present our years work for assesment at the end. We also have term crits inbetween. At the end of the four years we put our main degree piece up for for public exhibition also.
If a portfolio exhibit is any of those, then yes, we do :D
lol, I can't really understand the Irish thing, but I suppose I have it for other countries and must try.
yes, that is it. showing your work in a gallery to graduate.
yeah, i'm really not into graphic design now when i started i loved it. i'm pretty much over it now, but there was no way i was going to switch majors. i had already switched schools (film school to a regular university), so i couldn't handle putting off graduating any longer. really though, you can get your bfa in just about anything and switch it up when you get your mfa.
hrm, i think it is just me. i generally tend to hate all accents, but for some reason i am all about some irish accents.
a lot of irish youth were coming to my area with a program to unite protestants and catholics and i could never fully follow what they were speaking about because i was so absorbed in their accents. towards the end of the conversations i'd be unconsciously imitating them then i'd spend the rest of the night trying to make up for the fact that i might have offended them.
i generally tend to only like irish, southern(american - "the south"), and californian accents (which are basically no accents at all).
i guess i'm weird. :S
but i really think you should make a wav for me just because i'm so lovable!
That's unusual (or maybe usual?) that you get a bfa in graphic design. Over here, you get a BFA in many areas, but not design. That has it's own BDes award.
They do that? Wow. I'm guessing they were disadvantaged kids also? I can't really associate with that whole catholic/protestant trouble thing. Dublin feels so detached from all that (which is kinda bad). It'd be like if it was all happening in Alaska for you. You'd be very aware of it, but find it hard to relate to. I actually onluy went up there (Belfast) for the first time last year and I really liked the place. Felt very safe too which was nice.
Some Southern American accents can be very nice (c: I had some Californian friends over here during October and they definitely had an accent! It wasn't strong though, just typical 'American' I suppose.
I probably will do a recording if you pester me enough, but I hate the sound of my own voice (plus I'll disappoint you. The Californians asked for a refund on my voice because it 'didn't sound Irish enough').
yeah, i guess so. the whole situation seemed odd to me because, well, why would they choose a small city in east tennessee to bring religions together? east tennessee is pretty much the buckle of the bible belt, but the city i am in is somewhat disconnected from that whole scene. about 60% of the city is a gay population and the people are totally different from the 2 cities surrounding it (more open minded). i was completely baffled by the choice of their location. maybe they are touring the states? i'd really be embarrassed if this area was their only impression of america.
honestly, i don't understand the whole catholic/protestant situation at all and i chose not to ask them about it. i mostly only spoke to the girls, but they didn't seem to be troubled youth and when i asked my friend johnathan about the group he said they weren't. i really have no clue.
hehe. of course, californians would have an accent to you! i, being completely absorbed in only my own surroundings, meant as far as american accents they have no accent.
i just like southern (the south) accents because i am southern (tennessee, usa).
(i completely misinterpreted what you were saying in your reply because i'm a rere and had already typed this response out so i'm going to continue with it. :D )
as far as south american accents they are okay. i've been making a friend from ecuador teach me spanish and i've been helping him with his english, but mostly all i do is ask him how to say words like hot dogs and unicorns then i laugh for 30 minutes and forget what i am doing. my friends from brazil who live here are pretty americanized and their accents stranglely enough ended up sounding like a crappy keanu reeves' surfer accent. it is very odd!
i speak with a guy who lives in brazil via the internet, but he's never sent me a real wav of his accent just mainly him imitating fez from That's 70s Show.
do you get any american media there? i thought it was interesting that brazil and ecuador were watching That's 70s Show.
do you ever use any programs like aim or msn? i'll probably keep these messages going until you stop replying because i love learning about other cultures. :D
i'm terrible at pestering :( but if you make a wav i'll make one for you. D:
Well most art degrees are four years here. A lot of people do a portfolio course beforehand (like me) to actually get into the colleges, so that added an extra year. Also, I'm hoping to do a masters afterwards so that will add even more on.
I don't have a clue why they chose that area then. Maybe the 2 places had people that knew eachother well beforehand. Who knows.
Apparently Dublin has the highest percentage of gays per head in a European city.
I've never known anyone from Tennessee, so congratulations on being the first! I of course meant the South of North America, not South America itself, sorry (I know I worded it badly).
We get lots of American media yeh. Most of it, all the tv/music etc. I love how somebody unfamilar with a culture can be so unsure of things that I take for granted. There's something nice about that that I can't quite pin down.
You'll probably be disappointed with how Americanised this place is. We have cousins from Maryland over quite a lot and they say that apart from the accents and the houses looking different, they didn't feel all that far away from home.
Ok, ok, I promise I'll send you a recording at some point in return for one from you (c: I just have to get around to doing it.
I have MSN, yep. Name is the email address in my profile. I'm rarely ever on it though, since the time I spend checking lj and my email is bad enough. If I turned that on all the time I'd start having serious problems (c; Feel free to add me for the rare occasions when I do sign on.
i read it wrong, but i had already written my answer out so i just kept with it. :o
i added you to my msn. carrie332.
see my voice is in the last post with the link, so now you have to make a wav. of course, everything is in reverse.
if you want a wav tell me what to say, otherwise, i will just read lyrics to a cheesy song. anyway, make a wav! :D
Ok, I actually went and recorded something. I went to listen to it but had to stop it immediately, so I can't even remember what's in it. You know it's a bad thing when you make the person listening to it cringe. Anyway, I'll skip all the crap. It really is awful and I absolve myself of any associations with it.
try this:
You must now return the favour of course. But to make it fair, you must make no preparations whatsoever, and no reading :D Basically it'll be you complaining about having nothing to say (c: (or if something does come to mind, feel free to speak about that).
i made a wav immediately so i wouldn't have time to think about how stupid this actually is, so you will get a lot of UMs and I DON'T KNOWs in it. i'm uploading it now and listening to it. i sound like a rere, but OH WELL. i refuse to re-record it.
my cat is obese and sounds like a human, so while i was making it i thought someone was in my home. i just checked my pants and they are fine. i'm telling you this because there is a weird pause in the word format towards the end and it makes me sound silly if you don't know i am looking over my shoulder in fear. excuses, excuses!
so this should be the link to it i made you your own little folder and everything. woohoo. unlimited webspace is a beautiful thing, so are the friends who give it to you.
anyway, that was awesome. thank you. hearing lj voices is so crazy they never match my imagination (neither do their pictures). i hope my rambling was good enough. i just sort of replied to your last reply in it. hee. i guess i cheated a little bit. it'd been terrible if i hadn't replied though.
what is your name? i'm carrie.
If those people who stayed with you were from Northern Ireland, they would have had really strong accents. I actually have difficulty understanding some Northern Irish accents.
Yay for free webspace! And yay for personal scon folders! I used to have that, but lost it a few months ago. I feel like a web hobo now because my stuff sleeps wherever it can find, but we usually get kicked out and move on somewhere else. Photobucket has been good to us. We like photobucket.
I knew a Carrie once. I lost touch with her when I was 12, but I've always wondered where she ended up since. I'm Conor (c:
they didn't stay with me. they worked with my friend johnathan at a kid's museum while they were here, so i just met them. they could have possibly been from northern ireland.
either way i enjoyed their accents. the accents weren't so much lucky charms accents, but kind of sinead o'connor? really, that was the best example i could think of, so sad.
i've honestly only heard the accent you mocked in a lucky charms cereal commercial or when people are making fun of redheads.
i am that carrie, long time no see!
I can't really think of Sinéad O'Connor's accent now that I try. Poo )c:
Heehee, yeh, I suppose that accent I did is really one that Irish people do to make fun of Irish people (if that makes sense). But you should hear how bad some Irish accents in movies sound to us :D I'm sure it's the same for anywhere that's being impersonated though.
Hey! You look/sound/act like a different person, but nice to have caught up with you finally dc;
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