Happy New Year

Jan 02, 2011 17:02

I've been sadly neglecting my personal LJ for quite some time now.  My last entry was a week before my birthday, which seems like centuries ago.  So!  Boring life update is a-go.  I'm not even going to make an attempt to be witty or interesting in this entry.

I'm comfortable with where I am right now.  All of my grad school apps are in (or they will be after tonight) and I'm just waiting to hear back.  I've already got an interview scheduled with U. Penn for a few weeks, which means I made the short list.  \o/  Nervous as heck about it, but I'm just gonna do the best I can.  As for the previous semester, it was the toughest time I've ever had in my academic career.  20 credits + research + apps + 'culminating experience' does not a good time make, but for once, I will be an immodest braggart and say that I did awesome.  There is no way I could've done as well as I did without divine intervention or something, I swear.

I'm going to give my cancer class a special note and say that although it was the hardest and most work-intensive class I've ever taken in my life (see previous entries for my cancer rants), I've never learned so much in my life, either.

Next semester looks to be pretty relaxed.  I have everything I need to graduate right now, but I opted not to due to extenuating circumstances that essentially translates into 'I can stay an extra semester and pay barely anything'.   So it'll be my last chance to take it easy.  I'll probably focus a little more on my research to get more done in that department, but honestly?  I just want a break.  I'm signed up for like, Film Theory right now which apparently consists of watching movies and writing reviews.

As for the holidays, they passed pretty well.  I spent it with my cousins in New Jersey -- The snowstorm was ridiculous.  We got stranded on the highway about seven hours and we ended up walking home and leaving my uncle to stay with the car.  It was quite an adventure.  I didn't actually get anything for Christmas this year, but I haven't for the last few years, so I'm cool with it.  My headphones broke a few days ago, though, so I might ask for a cheap replacement.

And that's about it.  I could ramble on about RP, but I think I'll save that kind of stuff for Plurk.  Happy New Year, guys, and I hope it's off to a great start.
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