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Apr 01, 2007 20:37

Diary: Week of 16/03: Dissertations, Piercings, and Photo Shoots

And so dawned the second week of the Easter holidays, where by rights I should be studying away to get a good mark in my coursework for my last semester of university. Of course, in keeping with the tradition set the week before, I spent the first two days of the week spending the early hours of the morning creating forum posts on Vampirefreaks and playing on my Amiga Emulator. Oh the curse of being a geek... :o/

To my credit, however, I did get to work on Wednesday. I had already prepared a framework draft for my dissertation the week before, so now I had the task of going through it and steadily re-writing it all to be better, which mostly meant I had to find the right places to elaborate, to carve away and shorten, and to insert a lot of appropriate references. Fantastically it all went well and I ended up with an essay that was 8.600 words long, so pretty much on target.

I've given it to elegy_of_flames to look over, but mostly I'm just looking at cleaning up sentence structure and grammar before handing it in for my dissertation tutor to look over and give back to me with comments so I can change anything that needs changing before handing it in for real.

Anyway, whilst I said this was Wednesday, that's a slight untruth. I counted it as Wednesday because it was the third time I'd woken up that week, but I woke up at midnight, so strictly it was Thursday morning that I was working on the dissertation (in between playing on the Internet and watching television of course...), so I found morning had broke.

I had previously been taking the arrival of midday to mean it was time to go to bed, but I thought it would be good to get something done. I had taken out one of my piercings earlier in the week because it had never stopped reacting, so I wanted to try getting it done again slightly lower down, so I headed up to Millennium to have just that done, which went well, and the piercing is settling in fine :oD

Still a slight lump from the previous reaction though; the piercer suggested Tea Tree Oil, which is worth a go I'm sure :o)

After that I managed to stay up until eight in the evening before going to bed, which got me up at eight in the morning on Friday. Being smug about having done my dissertation, I didn't bother to do any work, and I think I just messed around, but went to bed at eight in the evening again.

I quite like being in that sleeping routine sometimes; is great for when I'm at university! Alas being on holiday it doesn't have quite the same utility :o(

It did manage to pay off on the Saturday however, because, contrary to the norm, I had something to do during the day. There had been a group shoot organised by netmodel people in Southampton and I had decided to join them, which was just as well as there was twice as many photographers as models, so I needn't feel bad about being substandard or any such thing :o)

So had fun spending time with photographers, did a few shoots, which were fun and I think I should have gotten a few good shots from them (the ones I've seen so far have been good), although I haven't gotten them all back yet so will hold off posting any pictures :o)

I had originally planned to be in London for a VF meet that day, but it had to be put aside in light of the above (which I had planned even earlier) in hope that I could make it to Slimelight to see everyone afterwards, but before that I had to attend my brother's engagement party that had been announced recently. As it turned out I didn't make it out before ten, at which point I was feeling very tired due to my sleeping pattern anyway, so just went home to bed. (if nothing else, it's a good excuse to avoid spending time with horrorb0y *nods*)

That brings us to today, which is Sunday, and, of course, April Fool's. I wasn't entirely aware of the fact until I stumbled across a very unlikely report that Jet, the owner of Vampirefreaks, had been stabbed and killed, which was written in his journal.

I then also noted that fat-pie.com had gone very weird, presumably only for the day. Livejournal tried to get in on the fun with its little jab at myspace, which was a little bit humorous but Google won hands down.

Going to the Google search engine I found an advertisement for free broadband, which looked suspicious in itself: Google TiSP (BETA). Clicking to register and for more information transports one to new realms of the bizarre. There's also this new Gmail Paper option too.

Anyway, in the spirit of the day I leave you with the 100 best april fool's hoaxes :o)

Link: The new advert for Tickle Me Emo - I want one!

Link: You've seen it by Trent Reznor, you've seen it by Johnny Cash, now see it by Kermit the Frog

Link: Mr Blobby Vs Eastenders

Link: Giant Micheal Jackson robot

Link: Sewage Tsaumni

Link: Abortion plushie

Link: How to tell when you've been on the computer too long

Link: Research into the extent of European Slaves

Link: The Classic IQ Test (I got 133 as did seemingly everyone more or less)

topic: university: dissertation, content: links, fashion: body mods, fashion: general, topic: goth, activity: geeking

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