Blame Vivian. then blame rachel.
Take the quiz:
"Serial Killer Quiz"
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
you kill assholes; lots of assholes! HOORAY for You!!!!
Take the quiz:
"What kind of eyes do you have?"
your eyes have never seen a cloudy day. Your eyes are very big and beautiful, and you loves animals and getting into a little inncoent trouble every here and see the world like a big playground. when u see something new you dont hesatate to try it out, or get a closer look.
never seen a cloudy day. hah.
Take the quiz:
"Why do you cry?"
You dont cry..why did u take this test?
U dont cry..go away..your life is almost perfect
hahaha they obviously dont know me...:D
So today was a very good day actually. For a Bday. French was boring as always but I understand what we're doin :) Chem was fun. almost burneded my finger and i lit the rubber stopper on fire...ah! not cool. got labs back with vewwy good grades so yay. choir Mr G asked me to sing again to demonstrate I guess and this time I said yes...heh...and that was neato. World studies got 100/100 on my project and THAT was neato cheeto also. xcept KARTHIK pissed me off. Makin Jewish jokes. really really not cool. The pizza one. He was talkin about how Ari got mad when he makes jewish jokes and i told him not to say them then and then im like..IM JEWISH. and he looked real suprised. Then Adeel was like...we're all jewish here! and hes muslim, I got so mad at karthik ...argh! Me n Victoria had to hold outselves back to keep from punching him. oh yea and last class was intersting too. sub! yay. worked on a packed...which dan just looked off of anyway. lol im like...uhh...u need somethin? hmm. and then some peoples were makin a list of good girlfriends and Heather was like "put amanda down! I bet shed be a good gf!" and i was like...hopefully i AM a good gf. so since im not single that eliminated me from the runnings. oh wells! :D Anywhosies, read more of The Lovely Bones after school until knitting. Its so good, I dont understand how Zurr doesnt like it. I love it, and im almost done. Xtina loveded it too.
So knitting...interesting cause I already know how. So she showed me how to to purl. So I did that, and i helpeded the amateurs :P I dint really like the yarn color so we went to buy a different one and I picked a really pretty blue one out but of course my mom had to interfere even tho it IS my project....whatever. So i got plain black. It'll be useful I spose. I'll make a hat. hatty hat hat. yay
So now, who knows. Homework, reading, knitting, working out, shower...and phone with guess whoooo :)
Later, loves
<3 Dizzy :P