To Whom It May Concern

Feb 12, 2010 23:43

To those who celebrate Valentine's Day, I wish you a happy one. To those of us who don't or only barely care, I hope someone gives you chocolate anyway.

That said, I will be off to Lindrith in the morning to (hopefully) play videogames and watch movies 'til my eyes bleed and brain oozes out of my ears (a charming image).

speaking of videogames, there's a small bit of news to bring up.I got a new Xbox 360! *insert audience cheering and applause*

I'm really quite in love with it already, we just beat our first game together, "Batman Arkham Asylum." I highly reccomend BAA by the way, at least as a rental. I have to say, maybe it is the brainwashing I underwent in my formative years, growing up watching Batman the animated series, but in my heart I recognize Mark Hamill will always be my favorite joker. Sorry Heath (you're #2 and that ain't bad). The Joker is just so awesome in this game and Mark Hamill's performance is just so delightful (to add to the fun Kevin Conroy provides the voice for Batman ^__^)

So, on an entirely different subject I present: my favorite buddy cop duo since Turner and Hooch, that's right it's RORSCHACH AND DEADPOOL! (a nut and a fool!)

image Click to view

(It occurs to me that it's not "a different subject if I cluster Batman, Deadpool,and Rorschach under the topic of superheros, but that was not at all intentional... so yeah)

nerd!, holiday spirit, videogames

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