Dec 19, 2009 09:41
So, I was thinking recently about what would be considered the best film laughs of all time. Those laughs that are so full of mirth you can't stop from laughing too OR laughs so outrageous they will ne'r be forgotten.
I thought, and I pondered…in all the movies and t.v. programs I've seen in my life what is my favorite laugh?
In the end, I was forced to go with two laughs because I couldn't choose between them. They both are memorable because of their ability to make me laugh too(every time).
First, Leon Rippy's laugh as John Billings from the movie "The Patriot." You know that guy who's one of Mel Gibson's neighbors who joins the militia. He commits suicide after Tavington's men kill his wife and son. I think he laughs a grand total of two times, but that laugh will never leave me, I loudly chortle every time I hear it (but not when he commits suicide, 'cause that's just sick).
As good as that laugh is, I could not let it hold the #1 title all on its own. Tied for 1st is Frank Oz's laugh as Yoda from "Star Wars." 'Nuff said. I can't even hear someone do an impersonation of this laugh without cracking a smile.
So, here's the thing, I want to know what other laughs plague the memories of film goers and televisions watchers. I'm not saying my choices are in any way the best laughs ever, but they are certainly the MOST memorable for me. Maybe memorable isn't the right word, because I remember many great laughs. But they stick out, they're always on the tip of my tongue (so to speak) and they always elicit a reaction from me. The mark of a great or memorable laugh is the strength of the reaction it causes (whether that be fear, glee, or squirting milk out your nose). I would love to hear what some other people consider their personal all time favorite laugh, so I will post this in multiple places in an effort to get the attention of as many people as possible.
random stuff