Nov 01, 2010 12:01

Things I Have Done Since Friday:
  • Bought 4 DVD's despite not having any money. (THEY WERE TOTALLY ON SALE)
  • Walked around in the park
    • Resisted feeding the ducks because DAMN, is that WHOLE FUCKING LOAF floating in the pond?
    • Been bitten by mozzies, OMG *scritch scritch scritch* *BLEEDS* *SCRITCHSCRITCHSCRITCH*
  • Walked into town
    • FINALLY tasted a Memphis Meltdown Rocky Road ice cream. It was not as good as the Big Hokey. (sigh)
    • Bought NOTECARDS so that I can act like an American (it's apparently de rigeur for our American friends?) and write a goddamned thank-you note to my interviewers on Tuesday. This does not sit well with me, but I will take ANY ADVANTAGE I CAN POSSILY GET at this point
  • Sat outside in the garden in the sunshine, listening to music
    • Walked round to the dairy to rectify the previous day's Big Hokey disappointment. OUT OF BIG HOKEY's. Got Magnum Gold instead. IT IS NOT THE SAME.
  • Trawled Bhuz and Livejournal and totally stalked all my flisties. (Hi guys! I'm in ur jurnal, readin' awl ur old biznez)
  • Watched Halloweeny TV, including a Shrek mini-cartoon, and The Witches (OMG forgot how awesome it was, and got all wistful about how I fell in love with Angelica Houston in this movie and wanted to look like her when I was a proper grown-up because she was EVIL and SEXAY. Then discovered lots of other goth girlies and dumped the idea since it wasn't as exotic and DIFFERENTY as I thought. Boo.)
  • Shut my driveway gate and all my curtains and totally hid from any kiddies seeking candy, because I am a big candy-bogarding asshat.
  • Drew up a plan for a RIDICULOUSLY kitsch dance studio. Including blue prints for the building and what facilities it would have.
    • Doodled interior design plan for said fictitious studio
    • Researched BUILDERS who might be able to build said studio, because, you know, MY PLANNING STAGE, let me show you it.
    • Made plans for CLASSES and RETREATS and EVENTS for said studio, including where the stage would go and how it should have ramps at the side so that dancers can glide off the stage into the crowd, and OMG I NEED A JACUZZI. Because every studio needs a jacuzzi, if you're going to WASTE TIME DAYDREAMING
    • Run through my Beginner choreo, because I need something to teach in my TOTALLY NON-EXISTANT FANTASY STUDIO
    • Drifted through the internet looking for CD's to buy. Because I need new musical inspiration for my dance, since clearly I don't spend enough time FANTASISING and DAYDREAMING about dance-related hoo-hah.
  • Posted this post.
Things I Have Not Yet Done:

* a million geek points if you name that quote

work gaaah, seedy underbelly(dance), random

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