(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 11:25

Ive noticed a few disparities in society these days, so, yours truly has come up with a COMPENDIUM (yea I said it) of tips that will enable you to get along better with normal people on our little earth. This deals more or less with myspace, and the internet, but not exclusivly so. (In no particular order)

1) Please dear god, for the millionth time, no one likes your stupid chain letters. No one wants to fill out your survey, and if they do, dear god they have less of a life then you do for sending it out in the first place. "True Love" will not come to me at 12 o'clock tonite based on the premise that I send this message to 15 people in the next 15 minutes. You morons.

2)Dont post pictures of your ass and tits (excuse the vulgarity) on your website, then, when I follow the blatantly obvious sequence of events and call your ass a slut, SWEET JESUS DONT ACT SO OFFENDED. Dont pretend to think you have no idea where that just came from! If your a slut, fine, do your thing, but when your 16 years old and your posting pictures of your ass and tits on your myspace, then in your "about me" section whine that guys always try and take advantage of you----stop and think about it for a second.

3)On the topic of 16 year old girls. Dating a guy who is older then you does not necessarily mean they are more mature. If you think about it, the older the guy is, the greater the likliness there is that hes going to try and fuck you the first or second time out. Appreciate that just because the boys who were born the same time as you doesnt mean you should exclude them because you find them, "immature." Because Im very much certian they feel the same way about you, and your probabally worse.

4)Dont be ashamed that your from the suburbs. When you post Hometown: Philly, PA and I remember seeing you walking around BHS, or I know DAMNED well sure your from the suburbs, its quite ludacris. Accept who you are, thats the only way you can be happy. Sure I have the Liberty Bell tattooed on the back of my arm, but NO that doesnt make me a hypocrite. I love Trevose. It made me who I was and I will forever be inextricably linked to my neighborhood. It doesnt mean that growing up I didnt spend a GREAT deal of time in the city, both working for my dad, and spending time there, and grew to love it, enough so much that I got inked for it. Theres a difference people. I at least admit to it.

5)Dont assume that the "drama" will suddendly disappear once you go away to college. The drama just becomes smarter and more developed, but it generally stays the same. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no matter WHERE you go, chronologically or geographically, there will be drama. Suck it up, cowboy the fuck up, and deal with it like an adult.

6)In addition to that, its even WORSE to think that if you moved out of the country, your life would suddendly be better. Like every other country doesnt deal with bullshit politics, accept things that make no sense, do things they dont want to, and have almost no voice in whatever they do. I voted for Bush, fuck you, Im goddamned proud of it. I voted for him because he stood for what i BELIEVED for, I agree with his politics, and because Kerry didnt convince me. Dont argue with me and say "well bush is a dick" and NOT support your opinion. Most of you take your cues from the liberal media, MTV, and rock stars, (Green Day is a biggie) who are in NO POSITION at all to try and sway the youth to vote one way or another. Who are they? What kind of credentials do they have? Have they ever been in office? No, there MUSICIANS. Vote for whomever you want, Vote Bush, vote Kerry, fuck even vote Nader if you want, but do it for REAL reasons based on FACTS and your beliefs, not what the "picture box" tells you to.

7)The television is destroying your ability to think for yourself, "well ted copple says it so it must be true'' is a FALSITY. Read between the lines, know your facts, question what they say, because 85% of it is political bias, personal agendas, or just pure nonsense.

I have to go to class, I'll pick this up later. Please, if you spot someone who fits in one of those categories on my list, do the right thing, set an example, stand up to them and say, YOUR AN IDIOT!!! Or send em my way
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