GOOD NEWS ... THE MASTER HAS PAID UP! (Thanks to the Doctor)

Apr 02, 2010 23:31

An email exchange with ... The Master!!

From: wiggiemomsi
To: sneakymaster
Sent: 3/30/2010 6:02:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: sneaky m.

Dear Mr. Sneaky Master,

Thank you so much for helping Stacie with your wonderfully KIND offer of a matching $500.00 if fans could increase the winning bid for a fic by uber-author wendymr, to $500.00.

As you know, the winning bid by "Wiggie's Posse" was $550, and I'd like to pass on information to assist you in paying for the matching $500.00.  The following information is on the LJ com dwsupportstacie, and gathered by hard-working coordinator kholly:


Thank you again, Sneaky ... err ... Mr. Sneaky Master, for your wonderful kindness and generosity of spirit in offering money to help Stacie.  You, sir, are a true gentleman!


Oops, I've been corrected!  Sorry, but the amount of your generous donation is as follows:

Wendymr/WMR - $1,100 Winner: (Wiggie's Posse @ $550) PLUS $550 from The Master




  from sneakymaster

Greetings, Wiggie.

The Doctor confiscated the funds from my account and sent them to a member of fandom to donate on our behalf. I believe this person used PayPal to send the money as a regular Support Stacie donation, but it was clearly marked as the matching bid the Doctor forced me to donate on Wendy's auction.

He says to say he hopes that was okay, and that it won't create a problem for your Posse. I told him he could go climb a tree, there was no way I was going to pass along such nauseating messages. But he threatened to block the TARDIS's telly hookup for real, so here we are.

Evilly yours,
The Master


Whew!  I was afraid for a while that the Master would be so incensed I'd gotten the total amount he owed wrong, that he'd try to kill me!  Silly me; he's really a kind, sweet, misunderstood guy!!

we like the mister master

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