Editrx's Cookbook!

Sep 27, 2009 20:49

Azriona posted something in her journal that is of such importance that I'd like to reprint it verbatim (you don't mind, Sharon, right?)  Here it is:

editrx's Cookbook! 
Right, so....as some of you are aware, I've been forced volunteered to help edit the cookbook for editrx. This will be seriously entertaining, because I've never actually written a cookbook before. But I'm game to try.

Basically, ladychi explains it best, so I'm stealing her words:

The economic crisis is hitting all of us hard -- and it's hitting editrx and her husband, baron_elric particularly hard. baron_elric was diagnosed, and then had surgery for, prostate cancer, and editrx suffers from debilitating back pain. With the publishing industry taking a hard, hard hit, and their health issues, they're having trouble paying for things they need: like health insurance and making the mortgage payments.

They're already doing their part: baron_elric has posted some of his vintage comic books for sale, and editrx is doing all she can through the pain.

Now, I don't know baron_elric, but editrx has been very supportive within the Doctor Who fandom, and always willing to help others - which is always gratefully appreciated, because since she works in the publishing industry, she knows what she's talking about. The first part of the Editrx Project is a short-story collection, made up of original stories, and ladychi is spearheading that. (You can read more about that particular drive here.)

My part, however, is a cookbook, made up of recipes donated by...well, anyone who wants to donate a recipe, I suppose. And that should bring you up to speed.

So here's the deal:

1.  I need recipes. Desserts, salads, entrees, veggies, appetizers, drinks - you name it, I'll take it. If you can supply photographs which you yourself have taken (that is, NOT copied from anyone online or from a cookbook), even better. (But not necessary.)

Please list all ingredients and write out the instructions yourself - while recipes are not copyrighted, the write-up on how to make them is. (Thanks to chloris67 for that bit of info.) Be as creative or snarky as you like - but remember that every recipe is going to be tested by someone, so make sure we know when we're supposed to add the sugar.

Send your recipe to azriona@gmail.com, and give it the following subject: "Recipe - XXX". (Where XXX is the name of the recipe.) This'll ensure that my filter catches it and sticks it in the right folder. Please include the following:

Your LJ handle
The name you'd like to use for credit
Your email address
Any photos you have of the finished recipe
The recipe

You can submit as many recipes as you like. We reserve the right not to include a recipe - but frankly, I can't see that happening unless we get more than three for the same thing. You will not be paid for the recipe.

Recipes are due by 1 November. This will give us time to make sure we have them all tested by the publish date, as well as to check that we don't have any major gaps. (You know - recipes included for beef and fish and veggies and brownies, but NO CHICKEN WHATSOEVER. Whoopsie.)

2.  I need recipe testers. If you don't want to contribute a recipe, but you like to cook, this is the perfect way to help. I need people who can help test recipes - make sure that all the ingredients used are listed, that all the ingredients listed are used, and that the instructions make sense. (I.E., do not sound like Julia Child on two bottles of wine. Or me on cold medicine.)

If you'd like to test the recipes, please send an email to azriona@gmail.com. Please list the subject as "Recipe Tester". (This way my filter will be sure to catch it.) Include the following information:

Your LJ handle
The name you'd like to use for credit
Types of recipes you can test (desserts, entrees, veggies, etc)
How many recipes you're willing to test
Any allergies or strong dislikes (if you're allergic to eggs, I don't want to send you a recipe for quiche)
If you have a digital camera and can take photographs of the finished product

As a tester, you are in charge of supplying ingredients - you will not be reimbursed for any expenses you incur. I haven't figured out how to disperse recipes yet, but I'll try to make it fair. If you also submitted a recipe, you cannot test your own recipe (since that sort of defeats the purpose). If possible, I would greatly appreciate photos of finished dishes so we can include them in the final cookbook, if we decide to go that route.

3.  I need art! The best cookbooks are the ones with pictures. Isn't that half the fun, looking at the pretty pictures? Now, we're undecided whether or not we'll use photographs, or drawings, but either way, I'm going to need people who know what they're doing when it comes to all things artistic. Maybe it's photographs - maybe it's photo manipulation - maybe it's drawing the finished product from a photograph - maybe it's something I can't even think of right now. If you're an artist, and you have the most AWESOME IDEA EVER on how to illustrate a cookbook - let me know.

If anyone has questions or concerns, please leave them here. Let the cooking begin!

Now, I'm not a writer, though I do plan on buying copies of the finished book of stories for gifts, but I LOVE to eat.  I have dozens of cookbooks and a drawer chock-full of recipes garnered from family, friends, the Internet, magazines & newspapers.  Not that I actually USE many of them, mind you, I just seem to collect ... recipes.   (Oooh, I had the BEST shrimp scampi for dinner tonight; that recipe should definitely be included!)  So, favorite recipes will be forthcoming, azriona!

Please ... here's a chance to help out, and to go through and clean out all those recipes tossed in a drawer -- you know you do it -- and copy/submit one or two (or even three or four!)  It's for a great cause, and who wouldn't want to purchase a book of "The Best Recipes From The Doctor Who-niverse Fandom?"  (Hey, azriona; there's a name for you!)


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