Anime Spree

Aug 25, 2011 21:56

I really thought that my anime watching days were over. Guess not.
I've managed to go through about 5 different short series in the course of a week or so, because I really have nothing else to do but sit in my room and wait for my back to heal. So I figured I'd do a quick review of all those series...with pictures!

Not to be confused with the movie, this series is definately one of my favorites. I was planning to rewatch it actually, and then I stumbled across another branch of it that was quite interesting.
I would consider Mononoke to be a horror anime, and a very complex one at that. The series is divided into short stories- two or three episodes a story. Each story is different, but they all have the same main character, and the same kind of situation- evil spirits called "Mononoke". The main character who appears in each story does not give us his name, but is simply referred to as the "medicine seller", although he is much more than that. With him, he carries a special sword of exorcism that is used to kill the Mononoke, but can only be drawn if the Form, Truth, and Regret of the Mononoke are known. 
I really have enjoyed this series mainly because of its unique animation. It's not like normal anime- much more detailed and fanciful.
Here is a picture of the medicine seller from one of my favorite stories where they are on a boat in the Dragon's Triangle.

And here he is again from a story where they are dealing with the spirits of dead babies in an old

I really don't know about this series. The animation was good and the characters were pretty good looking, but the plot was lacking. It's basically about women with guns who have a virus that gives them superpowers. How original.
This is a picture of the main character, a middle eastern girl...named Canaan.

This is a picture of the leader of the terrorist group and Canaan's adversary- Alphard. God, I still can't get over that name. Apparently, it means something cool, like "stands alone" or something, but when you say it, it sounds like you're saying "I'll fart." Just my opinion.

Devil May Cry
Yeah, based off of a video game. Which I have never played, but will someday. In my opinion, the anime was INCREDIBLY lame, but my dorky side enjoyed it nonetheless. It's about this guy who is half demon half human, and he hunts and kills demons and takes care of little girls.
Here is Dante, the main character, with his little friend.

Here's a better picture.

The guns are enough right? Yeah, well apparently he has to have giant stupid looking sword too. That he casually carries into restaurants and stuff...

I'm actually in the middle of this series right now, and I really love it. Vampires never looked so awesome. And the thing I also love about this anime is that the people are actually normal looking and not overly beautiful. As you might have gathered, it's about vampires and this organization called "Hellsing" (yeah yeah Van Helsing). "Hellsing" is a special forces organization that kills all the otherwordly creatures like vampires and ghouls. Even though they have several vamps working for them.
This is Alucard (yes, I know, Dracula spelled backwards). He's one of my favorites. His name's on my "Wish they were real" list.
Sorry for the poor quality of the second image.

And that concludes this post...

canaan, hellsing, devil may cry, anime, mononoke, tv

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