Name: Tim Allor
Nicknames: TIMMY!
Age: 18
Birthday: March 21
Location: Mount Pleasant (or Fraser)
Sex: Male
Siblings: 1 bro (23), 1 sis (21)
Height: 6'-1"
Hair color: dark brown afro
Eye color: light brown
Hobbies: listening to music, working out, running, hanging out, sports, and i collect porcelein dolls
Screen Names: wigbeinercooter
Who do you love/like: Jenny
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes I do :)
Whats his/her name: Jenny
Whats one word you could think of to describe them: amazing
Whats the best thing they've ever done for you: always being there for me when i need her
If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one: N/A
Fav number: 19 & 21 are the two best #'s ever bitches
Fav color: blue/orange
Fav place: with people that I care about
Fav state: Michigan is cool, I like Cali though
Fav country: United States of America
Fav book: I dont really read...
Fav movie: Anchorman is awesome
Fav person you know: Jenny and my best friends
Fav food and drink: wow, i love food a lot...about 100 things came to mind for this question
Fav shirt you own: i like t-shirts a lot. Dont really have a favorite though...
Fav place youve been to: Petoskey state park
Fav place to be: on Lake Michigan watching the sunset
Fav store: Toys R Us or Goodwill
Fav tv show: Family Guy or Sportscenter
Fav song: probably The Used-All that I've Got, i have a lot of favs though
Fav CD: Burned ones
Pepsi or coke?: Gatorade, i dont drink soda
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Internet or phone?: internet
McDonalds or Burger King?: BK-fries McDonalds-cheeseburgers
Eminem or 50 cent?: Neither, both suck
Cat or dog?: puppy
Spanish or French?: Espanol bia
Lights on or lights off?: doesnt really matter to me, either is good
Hungry or full?: slightly full...i hate being hungry
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: chocolate milk fo sho
---are y0u---
Suicidal?: I tried to slit my wrists with a ruler once. And FYI, taking 15 advil will not kill you.
Stubborn?: heck yeah
Open-minded?: No
Arrogant?: I hate arrogant people.
Patient?: No, i expect people to be good at stuff right away
Hyper?: Most of the time
Nice?: no, i club baby seals in my spare time
Happy?: for the most part
Depressed?: Besides being ugly and dumb, what do i have to be depressed about?
---with the 0pp0site sex---
Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: blue or green
Hair color?: blond/brunette
Curly or straight?: doesnt really matter, as long as it looks good on her
Tall or short?: short to medium height
Pale tan or in the middle?: middle to tan
---w0uld y0u---
Shave your head for $1000?: i like my hair, but i guess i could wear a hat cuz i could use $1000.
Cheat on your bf/gf?: No, cheaters are assholes and i would never do anything to hurt Jenny or anyone else I was in a relationship with.
Eat a bug?: just did
Be on fear factor?: hell yeah. Crazy shit for 50 grand. Sounds like a fun day.
Kill yourself?: And deprive the world of me? Not likely.
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: No, I'd find another way to get attention...such as Overdosing.
Turn goth?: No
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: I like dares. I'll do almost anything for money.
---y0ur friends---
Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: Kevin
Whos ur best friend of the same sex?: Probly Kevin, its really close though.
Why?: i know i can always depend on him.
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?: Jenny
Why?: she's everything to me
Tallest?: Tall Dave is like 6'-9"
Strongest?: Danny Barnes even though he's probably the lightest...
Funniest?: Chevy (I taught him well) and Tommy down the hall
Smartest?: Probly Clark
Stupidest?: Ron, my roomate from last semester...he had a 1.2 gpa
Nicest?: probably Robin cuz she's always doing stuff for other people
Horniest?: Cody, Chevy, Kevin...pretty much all the guys i know
Best looking?: Jenny is pretty
Craziest?: Jenny or Cody
Coolest?: Denise (the queen)