
Apr 04, 2008 13:41

The 2nd toilet in the bathroom isn't going in as easy as the first one downstairs. I keep popping the bolts out of the ring when tightening them. So we need a new wax ring because after pulling the toilet up bent over while K fiddles with the bolts must have screwed up the ring and will most likely leak pee water when hooked back up, I'm not taking any chances. Damn toilet.

k2 is getting ready for lunch. K makes him french fries and a hot dog. She places the dish in front of k2 who proceeds to take a teenie tiny bite out of a fry and pushes the plate away. He turns to K and says "Try again."

k2 can now say fuck quite clearly. *face-palm* We are trying to get him to say duck or truck instead. K and I have given up trying to determine who is to blame because we have equal shares on use of that word. Lately though I've stopped consciensiously using it.

We have a person at work with MS. He has it pretty bad and I'm not really sure what job he has. The part that makes me feel bad as a person is that he and I have the same bodily function timers. So when I have to go, he's there or on his way. Listening to a person who has trouble breathing, speaking and keeping his voice low is very disconcerting next to you in a stall. Hard to concentrate. Ever see the Robot Chicken episode where the guy goes into the bathroom and a large aggressive armored alien comes into the bathroom and sits in the stall next to him. The sounds coming unseen from the alien occupied stall is close to what I hear. I feel like he shouldn't be at work but it's very shallow of me and I assume a flaw in my character not being able to deal with it.

This weekend we were supposed to go NJ opening day trout fishing but it looks like a wash-out due to rain. I had everything ready and only had to pick up a few cigars.

I past my middle age crisis early so now what? My sex drive is still going strong. I think I have it under control and I see someone that get's me going again. Before it wasn't a notion on my mind and then *tire screech* I have sex on my mind again.

I have been reading Ender's Series. I'm on the 2nd story of Bean. Sprinkled through the excellent writing is some serious explanations of how people work. I want to go back through the books and pull out the section I am referring too. I think I would be able to handle myself differently if I remembered how people work. I'm to self-absorbed and such a crappy memory to handle people reliably or to be reliable myself. Looking back at my life I see I have repeated the same lapses in memory over and over again. I can remember almost to the minute of my memory of programming ICs in tech school left me. I had been doing really well and understood most of it then as I was walking out of a classroom click flash nothing. I sat down and looked at the book and ICs as if I were on my first day again. The old adage if you don't use it, you'll lose it applies to me heavily and sometimes it doesn't matter if I happen to be using it at the time. I seem to remember emotions and feelings as impressions more than actual facts. I recognize the facts again once reintroduced and my memory agrees that I did know that knowledge at one time but beyond that I have a really shotgun carved memory. It's got stuff in there that makes me the same person but I usually rely on others around me to make me who I am. Sad really. Not pity me sad but I have always felt that the qualities of my personality, my hobbies, interests are ones I have gotten from others. I have not on my own gone out and discovered something wholly new that I enjoy. If I was alone, single what type of person would I have been or become? I fantasize about the good things, fooling myself into thinking I wouldn't be a shut-in or homeless person. You would have to have real low self-esteem issues to start in that corner. What drives the creativity side of yourself. Muses? Good drugs? A life-altering experience? Hitting rock bottom emotionally or physically? I'm gonna be a number of decades old this year. I don't want to even say the number to myself. It doesn't seem real, like I'm missing sections of my life and my poor memory is not allowing me to remember. I keep pushing myself to take more photos and videos so I have something to cling to in the years to come. Hmmm, maybe my midlife crisis isn't over yet.
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