Love this quote a bit too much and didn't want to put it on my public blog that K takes a look at. No need to add fuel to the fire.
from the movie
as good as it gets:
Receptionist: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.
Apologies to the women who might read this and takes offense. I know a few that are the exact opposite of this quote. However, in dealing w/ my wife and her family it applies to them very throughly.
The same movie has another quote that counter acts this quote.
"You make me want to be a better man." Strangely enough I like that quote too but have yet to apply it to myself without some caveats. I have improved myself as a direct result of my relationship with my wife but not for all the right reasons and have unfortunately not improved in other areas and actually got worse in still others.
Last week I mentioned the shower I finally got to have w/ K and don't think I captured the wild time we had that again surprised me on a few fronts. Haven't had any since and feel a bit stopped up. Last night she was very busy wrapping gifts(a talent that escapes me) and couldn't convince her to unwrap me a bit early. So tonight we head up to the mountains which are snowy and icy and very cold. In a small house where k likes to stay up late and most likely I won't be able to make any moves on the wife.