Oct 28, 2007 22:53
Just who exactly is fabricating and elaborating these rumours?
Some time last year Julian Charenton told Athelwyn with assurance that if she got knocked unconscious, her sock puppet would defend her. (This lead to some speculation about how he knew this leading Athelwyn to a vague paranoia that House Charenten had been spiking her drinks or something, but nothing ever came of this).
At the Lions' event this weekend, Athelwyn was told, also with great assurance, (though I've unfortunately forgotten by whom) that not only would the sock puppet defend her, but if she was to get killed, it would grow a new body and go out and avenge her.
*Gulp* I hope no one ever tests these theories...
If this persists and Athelwyn dies, I'm going to have to stick giant googly eyes on my old sleeping bag, climb into it head-first and go charging around the place as a giant sock puppet of vengeance. And then I will get killed. Hard.