More NaNoWriMo

Nov 08, 2011 01:40

14457 words so far
That's more than 2000 a day on average so that's good. 
Have ended up writing a lot of it with pen and paper, as I definitely seem to write better that way, though that's annoying because I then have to type the damned thing up.  And I have to keep on top of that, otherwise I'll hit the end of the month and have pages and pages to type.

I think my story's messing with my mind though.  I was writing a creepy scene earlier and kept jumping at incidental noises in a way I never normally do.  I really shouldn't be freaking myself out, dammit. 
Overall my story is really g, and I spent the weekend alone pretty much writing.  On top of that, I picked up a volume of Stephen King novellas from the library and read the first two and boy were they grim too.  So yeah, I was in a cheerful mood this weekend. 
I was somewhat cheered by the fact that the first story (1922) rather resembled my NaNoWriMo piece in structure.  (Not really in setting or content though).  This is good because kiebeauwas bouncing up and down saying I shouldn't do any length of stuff in first person.  Hah - well Stephen King disagrees and he's made pots of money out of books :p

books, nanowrimo

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