Why Aslan is a c***

Nov 03, 2011 00:43

NaNoWriMo = >4000 words!
So here's the back-story behind my novel. 
fatkraken and I both grew up with the Narnia books as a standard fixture in our respective homes.  And the Narnia books are all over-saturated and cheery and neat and tidy (except for the Last Battle where CS Lewis goes a bit apocalyptic and dark, but I loved it nonetheless until he lost the plot and basically started jumping up and down yelling "Aslan is Jeesus!"  But that's a rant for another day). 
One day, apropos of nothing much Karen said "Aslan's a c***."  When I asked her to elaborate, she said "He put Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy into Narnia where they had a fabulous life and were kings and queens and lived there for years and years and one day he just chucked them back to England and they were little kids again.  In the middle of a war."
And that never really gets addressed in the stories.  They all sit around daydreaming and vaguely hoping they'll go back to Narnia, and I expect this is all about faith in Aslan-Jesus, but I don't think it would be like that if it happened to you.  That kind of thing would really **** someone up. 
And every time I point this out to someone, they go "Oh yeah... I never thought about it that way."
Except for Luke who went "Oh yeah... I never thought about it that way.  And they were adults and then they went back to being quite small prepubescent children and wow that's squicky!"
So that's the principle of my story.  Well, not the going-through-puberty-backwards part.  It's not really about the happy cheerful fantasy land - it's about what comes after.  And wow is it turning depressing!

books, nanowrimo

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