Feb 12, 2004 15:31
thompson is not a whoreface.. do you hear that.. NOT A WHOREFACE.. lol hes is a butthead.. yes yes yes he is.. lol aww him and megan. so cute i love it.. :o)
orrie makes me feel like shit sometimes.. really and i hate him for that.. but i dont hate him at the same time.. est-ce qu tu comprend? thought so.. yes yessery
old friends new friends.. fuck them all.. i only have like 10 left.. yess.. amanda stoner christian megan thompson black xtina linny benny devon oh and then theres like a few more.. vaugh, allen, etc.. you know how things go..? or am i just one big fucked up mistake.. i like the second one better o.0
alright, i guess im done.. nothing much to say.. loveeeeness :o)