Nov 19, 2004 16:34
wudda ??
hello there niqq`z .. how waz all of yu`r qay day`z ?
today was my last day of be`nq outta school ii hope .. ii miss my babe too much to miss anymore day`z of school =[ lol .. today ii qot my weave trimm`d wif my dad bcuz ii had some madd dead end`z qoinq down lmao ; and after that ii went bakk to his work wif him bcuz ii had to show one of the qrl`z he work`z wif my CD of model`nq pik`z lol .. so now my weave is offically pimp`d haha, it`z been died & trim`d. negro`z plsz ; don`t hate :p jk .
well anyway`z .. that`z where ii`m at ryt now :::my dad`z work::: and we are jusz` about to leave to qo qet my liddle sister and then pikk up my bo0tyful boyfriend.. and then drop my liddle sister at the movie`z so me and the babe kan have some alone tym` ;p haha hOllEr biotch`z .
lol psz niqqaro`z !!
okay so the boyfriend came over and we chilled in my room `en aqen we watch`d tv. lol it was str8 .. jusz` be`nq wif him is ggreatt lol !! so ii was happy. ii was very surprised when my dad damn left us allll alone lol 2time`z .. ii was lyk wo0oah ! ii qot that trust lol .. bcuz ii`m a pimp. well anyway`z kelly kall`d `en ii told fabian to answer lol `en he was talk`nq to her haha that was so0o funny. so w.e. later on we qot off the fone wif her bcuz my qay sister was talk`nq bout some bull shiza about how she swears shes 20! but anyway`z me `en him start`d wrestl`nq lmao .. he`z so0 cutie ... man ii`m not qonna be satisfide until ii live wif him !!! ii hateeeeeee when his mom qet`z there to pikk him up ! lmao .. but w.e it`z okay .. anyway`z the plan`z for this weekend are undeceided .. even thouqh ii rilly wana see kelly =[ poor thinq .. lol ii love you mama !! :p
anyway`z that`z the update .. now ii`m dipp`nq bcuz ii jusz` woke up and it`z time to eat breakfast =] lol psz !!