What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Social Nerd
You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around. ^_^
Literature Nerd
Drama Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?Quizzes for MySpace I know I have really really weird dreams, and if I ever put any stock in them, I would have seen an excorsist, or some sort of spiritual advisor's. However last night I had one of those dreams. One of the Really great ones. Yeah it involved a guy. Who I have no idea, and no it wasn't a sex dream. Upon more reflect it had a lot to do with my insecurities in relationships or my inability to have a successful one. Lets face it, constantly being dumped because I make a really good friend sucks. In this dream it didn't happen, the guy was up front, and fought with me about sex, the real underlining reason why I get dumped. I don't know how to describe it but it was perfect. It was probably just my mind playing tricks on me, I know I don't want to be in a relationship, that would be really bad for what I'm trying to do. I'm not actively seeking one. I don't know..... I'll get my head out of the clouds, and back in reality, which reminds me I need a better job.
I love the work, but i hate, cheep tippers, of you eating with other people, and I have to run around for your table, tell you kids not to grab food of the trays, especially your eight year old daughter who feels she needs a booster seat and won't eat the food you paid for. OK i'm over it I have no idea how they tipped. But they drove me crazy.
and I met a girl who cute, said she wanted to be sleeping beauty when she grew up. Her parents were those kinds of parents. Use your words,. she was cute, but they seemed too sitcomy. and I wanted to be like there is no prince sweety. Walt Disney was an evil man who makes you believe that some man will love you and take care of you. Just kidding. I'm not that sinical.
I am over cheep tippers, and not that good "Country food"