Advice to myself

Jul 08, 2009 08:25

There are a few things one must remember when dating a lady who has vision impairment.

1. Do not move your furniture around after she's been to your place a couple of times. 
2. Do not make the comment that her service dog likes you more than he likes her.
3. Do not walk too quietly, because if you have thick carpet, she may not always hear you coming up behind her, and when you touch her, she'll yell, scream, and then you wind up on the floor somehow, trying to decide if it's easier to just throw up, or should you keep your insides where they are.
4. Do expand your music collection.  You don't have to buy stuff only she likes, but you'll be listening to a lot more music.  It works out though, she'll introduce you to some groups you had no idea existed.
5. Do expand your cooking skills.  You don't have to worry about it looking nice, because really, it's all about the taste now.
6. Do remember that flowers are still a great gift.  Just remember that you need to blend the scents better, so read up on your flower arrangements and scent combinations.  Her sense of smell is incredibly more fine tuned than yours, so what may be slightly strong to you, is overpowering to her.  Moderation is the key here.
7. Do not be afraid to accidently say, 'omg did you see what that person was wearing?'  Sure she couldn't see it, but just because she's blind, doesn't mean she won't want to hear about it. 
8. Do not think you have to give up everything you enjoy just for her sake.  Chances are there are things she enjoys doing that she won't give up for you.  I'm willing to bet she likes that  you have hobbies that don't include her.
9. Do remember, that when the lights are out, it's a more even playing field.
10. Do remember, she's a woman, first and foremost, and thus can talk you into doing things you really rather not do.

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