Character Relations

May 28, 2010 21:58

A work in progress. If your character has had some interaction with Link, post and I'll add it in! Same goes for if I forgot a thread/have any broken links.

Ash: brave_phantom
The first person Link had a pokémon battle with. Link won this round, but they'll probably face each other again in the future. Link sees Ash as a respected friend and someone honorable, and the closest friend he's made since he arrived in Johto-which, considering Link is generally quiet, is no small feat.
Logs: LOG

Akira: mensouakira
Link met Akira all the way back in New Bark Town, and it was he who confirmed to Link that the people in the square had been brought from other places. He tries to look out for the other boy from time to time.
From Link's end: THREAD | THREAD
From their end: THREAD
Logs: LOG

Raenef: powerfail
A trainer who seemed surprised by Link's Lapras. They had an enlightening conversation about ghost pokémon. Like Link, he seems to have some trouble adapting to modern concepts like technology. Raenef speaks about being evil sometimes, but Link doesn't believe he's really a threat, or even malevolent.
From Link's end: THREAD | THREAD | THREAD
From their end: THREAD | THREAD
Logs: -

Firion: thisdesertrose
Another trainer with a Lapras. Told Link that there was probably a sea to be found somewhere out there in this strange land, giving Link a goal to aim for. They're on friendly terms.
From Link's end: THREAD
From their end: THREAD | THREAD
Logs: -

Kairi: destinyfruit
They haven't spoken much, but Kairi did try and make sure Link was alright after he thought he'd poisoned himself.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Smoker: smokinghunter/justicereigns [commenting]
They had a brief conversation on how weather affects pokémon.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Izumi Konata: playingyou
Link first spoke to Konata to give her some advice on making it out of a storm intact. She seems fairly competent and level-headed, although he doesn't quite know what to make of her.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Otacon: philanthrotaku
Met once, briefly. Bounced theories with Link on why the routes' waterways have barriers preventing sea travel.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Ritsu Sohma: trouser_chimp
An extremely apologetic man that Link has mistaken for a woman, although he probably wouldn't care either way if he knew the truth. They explored Sprout Tower together, and Link does his best to lighten Ritsu's spirits.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Heather Mason: heatherusedrage
A rather snarky woman who Link's spoken to on several occasions. He takes her attitude in stride-it reminds him a small bit of a certain pirate lady back home.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Yayoi Takatsuki: 10yen_idol
Link gave her some advice to keep warm while she was trapped in the Ice Path. He feels a little protective of her at the present.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Miles Edgeworth: magical_logic
Edgeworth helpfully advised Link on the dangers of entering a stranger's unmarked white van.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Bridget: walking_the_cat
Link, baffled by modern transport, asked what a van was. Bridget...pointed to one.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Rua: usedflashcannon
They've spoken several times, but almost always end up misunderstanding each other horribly. Also met up for a short time in Ecruteak after a mass random transport (courtesy of mischievous Gastly).
From Link's end:
From their end:

Riku: usedhorndrill
Could not quite believe that Link has never heard of a van before.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Sango: huntress_x (dropped!)
She seems like an honest, determined woman. Link has promised to help her fight Team Rocket should the occasion arise.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Perry: pisforplatypus (dropped!)
A nice man?...platypus?...who helped Link figure out the basics of pokémon battling, not to mention how a modern-technology communicator works. Link is grateful to him.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Nanoha: usedhyperbeam (dropped!)
A girl Link met in New Bark Town on his first day in Johto. She promised to help him if he ever needed it, which he found surprising in a good way.
From Link's end:
From their end:
Logs: LOG

Mayako: pretendpilot/runawaypilot [commenting] (dropped!)
A seemingly playful girl. Took a light jab at Link's ears.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Vash: plant_type (dropped!)
A trainer Link met way back in New Bark Town...and then wondered if Link's "poisoned" trail mix might just be allergies.
From Link's end:
From their end:
Logs: LOG

Russia: wontyoubewithme (dropped!)
Told Link his Teddiursa was stronger than his Lapras, and got a challenge for his efforts. It's all friendly, of course, but Link is always up for a battle.
From Link's end:
From their end:

Vaati: stealinghats
Link's new rival. Who is he, and how does he know of the ancient kingdom of Hyrule? He seems to recognize Link, although the latter is convinced they've never met.
From Link's end: -
From their end: THREAD | THREAD

!cr, !ooc

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