Fri, 14:54: RT @ SpaceyG: I don't mind FB changes too much. But what I REALLY hate most about 'em is the inevitable ensuing landslide of idiotic post ...
Fri, 16:24: Things were going fine 'til around 1 pm. Since then, one AAAARGH moment after another. Clearly my cheerful tech doc was too optimistic.
Fri, 16:27: vent/ Etiquette, people! Never send me emails with subject lines in CAPS. It's already priority, don't yell at me. Grrrr. /vent (I hope.)
Fri, 16:40: Man, I am feeling just grumptastic. Think my neighborhood is having its monthly happy hour. Perhaps I outta go.
Fri, 17:47: My two fav coffeehouses in Atlanta both have crappy/slow service but I prefer coffee over cool or speed factor or even wifi speed.
Fri, 17:47: In fact a couple of restaurants in Atlanta have way better coffer than some supposed coffee houses. Baraonda for example... (Mmmm.)
Fri, 18:15: Found an awesome 3D sculpting app for iPad the other day, working on some new creations. Movie of recent one:
Fri, 21:06: RT @ rosefox: #Bisexuals are told we don't exist or will change our minds. The kindest thing you can say to a #bisexual is "I believe you".