While it's true I've been dropping the ball on some things, it's also true I've been getting some stuff done lately.
A lot going on and time for bed, but still, a few notes:
- Completed big hunk of work for Caleb's company last night. Major content update/revision. I didn't like working 8-12 on it but on the other hand, it's billable hourly so OK, yes I did.
- Attending the 2-day Cascade Server Users Conference, held right here in Atlanta since the make of Cascade (the CMS at Emory) is based here. Good first day, except for added stress that I was a speaker! So stressed out, my digestion halted for a few hours. I presented on the use case of planning for and carrying out the redesign of the Emory health sci. web site, i.e. my life last summer. I think my presentation came out something like a B-.
- Yesterday afternoon I got of the house for a nice walk over to Oakland Cemetery, then a thorough walk through the place, and then still later, met up with Caleb there, had a light late lunch and walked home. I got 3-4 mi. walking out of it, all told, plus enjoyed the cemetery as usual, so good deal. I'm trying to find ways to get in more exercise, esp. through walking. You'd -think- I get enough, not driving, but not so. I am just too efficient about taking MARTA and walking shortcuts :)
- Tonight I went over Caleb's for my 3rd Italian lesson. He's doing a good job. For the first two lessons he had a printed lesson / worksheet and exercise, plus some video. This time he didn't have time to prepare a lesson but he borrowed some videos from the library and we went over some other things. I've begun to master a bunch of very useful things, like important verbs, phrases, counting 1-10. I've learned bits of Italian before before/during my 2 prior visits but Caleb wanted to get serious with me this time. He's going in for his dual citizenship thing in January and he's greatly ramped up his Italian skills so he can pass the language requirements, so teaching me reinforces that. He's been very thorough so far.