Feb 25, 2007 22:40
Well at 8.47am on Friday 16th February my beautiful son was born. Alison endured a 37 hour labour and he was almost 4 weeks early. He weighed a healthy(for 36 weeks) 5lbs 15 oz (or 2.7kg but no one ever remembers the metric weight).
He was born at the nearest hospital even though we wanted a homebirth, but it was the best as he was early and the birth was quite an ordeal. Alison was brilliant and cheer-led from the sides as he was born, i got to be the first to tell Alison it was a boy (without any basis we were convinced it would be a girl!)
He still doesn't have a name and currently survives on "baby" "little man" or "sweetheart".
My new default userpic shows a smile though i don't know whether he can actually doing that yet.
He doesn't fit into any clothes yet, even Tesco's Early Birth range (admittedly he is close to fitting these). He is still a little jaundiced but that should clear in a week or so. He sleeps a lot during the day but doesn't seem to like sleeping between the hours of midnight to 6am.
I could list all the names we've considered (and rejected and re-considered) but that would fill up many an entry.
He's been out in the pram and the car seat and likes to sleep through any experience. He hates baths and being naked and seems happy to avoid telling us he is uncomfortable in his nappy so he can avoid the trauma of nudity!
He turns red all over before crying!
Every day he opens his eyes more and they are very blue, he also had a habit of hitting himself in the face with his little fists and arms.
He's the most amazing thing i've ever seen and am so proud he is ours.